Chapter One

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Rob watched the two girls slide onto the bench seat, either side of the tiny girl with stunning brown eyes, who sat opposite him.

"Move your arse, Elizabeth," one said as they jammed her between them so tight that she was just a blonde head peeping over their shoulders. Leaning toward him with forearms on the edge of the table she added, "So... who are you handsome?"

Rob flicked his eyes from the girl he now realised was Elizabeth to the dark-haired girl who had spoken. She was pretty. He glanced back at Elizabeth as he said, "You're squashing her."

"Are we?" The auburn girl tittered and slid closer to Elizabeth.

Rob didn't know how that was possible because the poor girl was already wedged tight. "How about you move your arse's and let her breathe." Turning up the corner of his mouth he looked from one to the other. Why was there always a bunch of bitchy girls at every school?

"How about you tell us your name, gorgeous, and then we'll give her some space?" Auburn leaned further forward and pushed her upper arms together so her breasts surged to the top of her school shirt. Three buttons were undone to expose the tip of the lacy bra she wore.

He couldn't avoid looking. Rob glanced at her face. Honey-coloured eyes glimmered back at him. He smirked. He'd never come across a girl as forward and unashamed as this one before.

Rob shifted his gaze to the other. She stared at him with the bluest eyes he'd ever seen.
What was it with him and eyes? Girl's eyes. Always the first thing he noticed. He shook his head to dispel the thought.

"Well, babe. Are you gonna share your name or has a moggy got your tongue?" Blue eyes lifted her lips in scorn as she spat the words at him.

Rob peered at her as he laughed. Yeah, cat all right. Black Cat hissing straight at him. A spark of something flashed in her eyes. What was it? Anger, shock, surprise, regret maybe. Whatever it was the girl wasn't comfortable with it.

He got up from his seat and stepped around the table. Lifting her by the waist, her long legs caught on the timber struts of the bench and dislodged her shoe. "How about the pair of you piss off."

"You stuck-up prick." Auburn tried to give him a shove but he stepped out of her reach as he kicked Black Cat's Converse across the pavers and onto the grass.

"What the fuck? Piss off bitch." Rob took another step backwards. He didn't want to be expelled on the first day. "What the hell is your problem?"

She put her hands on her hips and pushed her chest forward. "You are at the moment." She laughed and looked at her friend as she nodded and added, "But that'll change."

Rob peered at Black Cat. She had her shoe back on. Her intense blue eyes stared right at him as she said, "Come on, Trin. He's no fun at all."

He watched her turn and stride away. Man... those legs. Rob sucked in a breath, sighed and ran his hand up the back of his head as he looked at the group of people he had been sitting with. "What the hell was that all about?"

Scott Masters smirked. "You've just been introduced to Kalara High's two sluts." He cocked his head and grinned. "Let me put it in a more politically correct way. Kalara High's two... ah... most giving of themselves, girls. As in giving of the flesh." He chuckled. "There are more than two but they rank first and second." Scott laughed some more as he opened his lunch box and pointed his plastic fork at Rob. "You should be honoured. An introduction like that means you'll get to bone them both, and at the same time if that's your thing."

The rest of the group laughed. Rob glanced at Elizabeth. She was staring wide-eyed up at him. He sucked in another breath. Whoa. This was his first day. He didn't need a girlfriend but the way she was looking at him had his second brain thinking he did. "It's not my thing." He sat down, picked up his sandwich and looked back at Elizabeth. "Are you okay?"

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