Chapter Forty-Two

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"Come on, Linc. We're going to miss the bus if you don't hurry up." Becky slung his bag over her free shoulder. Having the two packs evened out the weight. She trotted down the stairs and waited for her brother at the bottom. He was peeling a mandarin and taking each step one at a time. His hockey stick jammed under one arm. "Linc!"

"You're just in a hurry so Rob can kiss you again." Linc smirked as he took the next step.

"Shh... you better not let Dad hear you say that." She grabbed his hand and tugged him behind her.

"He's never gonna hear cause he's out of it already so I wouldn't worry."

Becky tugged once more. "He is today but there could be a time when he's not, so don't ever mention Rob again like that or I'll get more than a slap on the face." She looked down at him. "You do understand that, don't you Linc?"

"Yeah. I got it." He jerked his hand from her hold. "Let me walk by myself. I don't need your help anymore. I'm twelve. Too big for that shit and me leg's getting way better."

"Stop swearing." Becky peered at him. "I know your leg's getting better but I'm still your big sister, and I do have the right to hold your hand if I want to."

"I think I'm getting too old for you to tell me what to do, Becky. I can swear if I want. You do." He tossed the skin of his mandarin into the gutter. "Carl wouldn't let his sister do that kind of stuff you know?"

"Well Carl's a wanker anyway." Becky hitched the bags higher on her shoulders and tucked her thumbs under the straps. "And if you're gonna pull that crap on me you can make your lunch and carry your own bag in future."

Linc laughed. "Alright. You can only hold my hand in our street. Not at school and you're not to tell me off at school either or Carl's gonna think I'm a baby."

"Deal." Becky beamed at him and rubbed the top of his head. "I don't know why you want to impress him anyway but I guess you are growing up. I forget that sometimes." She jabbed her fingers into his ribs. Linc ran as fast as he could to the park with Becky following. She jabbed him again.

"Stop, Becky!" Linc squealed as they rounded the fence and into the playground.

Becky slowed when she saw Rob's car parked in the same place as yesterday. She hung her head and smiled at the ground. Maybe he really did like her a lot. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye and saw Rob jump off the swing and walk towards them. He lifted his hand in a wave so she waved back and watched him stride across the grass. He was wearing the senior uniform because it was Wednesday. He did that each week but she wished he'd wear it more often because he looked so good in it.

"Hey." His voice reminded her of warm melted chocolate every time she heard him speak.

"Hey." For some reason Becky couldn't think of anything else to say. The memory of his lips on hers when he'd kissed her in the car the afternoon before, rushed into her head. Her lower stomach fluttered. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Heat crawled up her face so she looked down at her shoes.

Rob saw her blush. Shit. Not now. Stay in control. Fuck it's only eight o'clock and you have a fucking erection. Fantastic start to the day and all she did was blush. You're gonna fail your final year, Rob, so just accept it. Do I kiss her? No. Yes. Fuck it. Should I? Fuck...! You are one crazy piece of bat shit. He grinned. Now you're talking to yourself. Great.

Rob lifted her chin with his fingers. His breath caught in his throat. He smiled again as her large blue eyes looked timidly up at him. "Good morning, kinda girlfriend, Becky." Rob watched her blush again, and try to tilt her head once more. He took a firmer hold and kissed her. She responded a little but quickly stepped back.

"You can't. Not here. Someone might see."

"Ah..." Rob frowned, spun his head and scanned the park. "Is that a problem? There's no one here but us and Linc's on the swing."

"Yes, it's a problem. If someone sees and tells my father then I'm gonna be in deep shit." Becky looked around, jerked the two backpacks higher, and stared at him. It was nice, his kiss, but she couldn't let him do that three houses away from her own. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I'm giving you a lift to school." Rob cocked his head and peered at her worried face. "Is that okay?"

"I don't expect you to do that." Becky sighed and shifted the packs again. "But thank you. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I don't think you should, Rob." She shrugged. "I have an angry father. If he thinks I'm fooling around he'll, well... it doesn't matter, but it would save me some grief, if you know what I mean."

"Okay... maybe... not really." Rob screwed up his face and crossed his eyes to try to make light of the situation. He'd had visions of Becky running towards him, jumping into his arms, and then throwing her lovely long legs around his waist. He chuckled. It wasn't going like he'd hoped but this was Becky. She always did the opposite to what he wanted her to do. He grinned some more and started to jerk in a pretend convulsion because she wasn't laughing at his attempt to be funny. "I... I... think... I... I... get... it... it... Becky..."

"Quit it." She slapped him lightly on the arm and sucked in her cheeks to stop from giggling. Becky righted the bags again and strutted towards his car. "Linc! Come on!"

Rob saw her grin. He chuckled, caught up with her, pulled the bags from her back, and then slung them over his shoulder. "What the bloody hell have you got in here?"

"Books... derr... brain." Becky rolled her eyes at him. "I don't know how you ever made it to year twelve? No wonder you're struggling in Maths B. If you're good I'll show you what a book looks like when we get to school."

Her eyes sparkled like sapphires. Maybe this was going better than he expected. "I'm not struggling in Maths, Becky. I've already told you that. I'm just behind. Later when we get to school and Linc gets out of the car I'll explain why." Rob smirked. "I even brought along a show and tell so you can fully understand the situation."

He popped the boot, dropped the bags in, shut it, and then cocked his head as he beamed at her. "Would you like to see my show and tell?"

Becky shook her head at him and climbed into the car without saying a word. She had to look out of the window to hide her embarrassment.

"What have you got for show and tell?" Linc bounced on the back seat, his eyes wide in excitement. "I didn't know they still did show and tell in high school."

"See what you've done now?" Becky folded her arms across her chest and eyed Rob.

He laughed and turned to face Linc. "It's a Maths B assignment. Becky thinks I'm failing Maths but I'm just falling behind. My assignment is the reason. It's pretty impressive and I thought she might like to see it." Rob glanced at Becky, and then back at Linc. "It'll be too complicated for you to understand."

"Oh." Linc nodded uncertainly. He clicked on his seat belt. "Do they make you stand up in front of the class to do the show and tell?"

"No, Linc." Becky twisted in her seat to look at her brother. "If Mr. Campbell got Rob to do that with his assignment, the class would be very disappointed because I'm pretty sure it's not as impressive as he thinks." She flicked her eyes to look at Rob. He was beaming as he turned on the key.

"Becky." Rob shook his head and did a U-turn. "One day you are going to be so sorry you made fun of my assignment."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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