Chapter Twenty-Six

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Trin caught up with Becky near the park. "Becky! Wait up!" She trotted to her and put her arm around Becky's shoulders. "You didn't have to leave."

"Ye... yes I did." Becky kept her head hung and sucked in a breath of air.

"Shit. He's made you cry." Trin took her by the hand and led her to a park bench. "What's going on, Becky? You've never cried over a boy."

"He... he... just knows which buttons to push. That's all." Becky dabbed her eyes. "God... I can't stand him."

"Mm... I don't think that's true." Trin pushed Becky's hair behind her ear. "Tell me the truth. What's going on? It has something to do with Scott's party doesn't it?"

Becky looked up at Trin. Should she tell her? It was so embarrassing. She burst into tears.

"Becky." Trin sighed as she hugged her. "I just told him he was being a prick to you and that he had to stop saying shit to piss you off." She gave Becky a squeeze. "Truth is, you have to stop saying shit to him too. And you did spread that rumour so he does have a right to be pissed off with you at the moment." She lifted Becky's face. "Now tell me the truth. What happened at Scott's party?"

"He called me Lizzy." Becky wiped her eyes again.

"What do you mean he called you Lizzy?"

Becky shrugged. "Just that. I was with Hunter. Rob came along and grabbed me. He yelled at Hunter about taking a number." Becky peered at Trin added, "Remember when Hunter said that to him." She opened her eyes in anguish saying, "Rob threw it back at Hunter and told Hunter he had just drawn number one and it was his turn." Becky sobbed again. "It made me feel so dirty, and then he dragged me into the bedroom like he was a caveman so I said, is this where I fuck you so you'll leave me alone?"

"You didn't!" Trin covered her mouth and laughed.

Becky smiled and nodded. "I told him I hated him and when I said the fucking thing he said, 'why not,' and jerked me down on the bed."

"So you did do it with him?"

"No." Becky sucked in a breath of air. "Nearly. He's a good kisser." She smiled. "It felt nice. I kissed him back. Things were happening. He made me feel good, and then he goes and calls me Lizzy right in the middle of it." Becky gasped again. "Can you imagine how degraded I felt. Especially after the way he'd dragged me in there to start with. I thought he must have been jealous and maybe, just maybe he liked me but it was all for Lizzy." She gave Trin a sad smile. "He's always looking at Lizzy but you know what?"

"What?" Trin gave her a puzzled look.

"He's wasting his time." Becky smirked. "You're not to tell anyone but I nearly ran into Lizzy and Drew in the back of Scott's yard. She was giving him a blow job."

"Fuck off!" Trin covered her mouth again and giggled some more. "No way. Not saintly Lizzy."

"Don't say anything." Becky gripped Trin's arm. "Let Rob drool over her. I hope she breaks his heart. Serve the bastard right." She filled her lungs and let her breath out in a long slow sigh. "That's why he called me Lizzy because he can't stop looking at her."

Becky looked back up at Trin and added, "I told him to never talk to me again. And I don't want him to, except he's doing a really great job with Linc and Linc thinks the sun shines out of his arse." Becky lifted her shoulders and shook her head. "If he wasn't doing that stuff with Linc I wouldn't go anywhere near him."

"Ah... Becky. What a prick. How drunk was he?"

"He didn't seem drunk." Becky screwed up her mouth, and then bit down on her lip. "At least it didn't affect him."

Trin peered at her. She didn't want Becky to know about her and Rob. "So he did get it up."

Becky nodded and bit harder on her lip.

"And it wasn't small was it?"

Becky laughed and shook her head. "No. It wasn't small."

"I knew you were lying!" Trin kept up the charade and poked Becky in the ribs. "So... things have got to change because I think what he did on Saturday night was for you, not Lizzy. I think he was jealous of Hunter. His brain just got confused because of what he'd had to drink."

"Trin. He hates me."

Trin laughed again. "He says the same thing about you. That you hate him but I think you both have crushes on one another and it's time to stop talking shit to each other." Trin cocked her head at Becky. "You do have a crush don't you?"

"I don't know." Becky gave her a bewildered look. "He's just really nice to Linc. I'd like us to be able to talk because of Linc and all the effort he's going to. He even got those kids who were bullying Linc to apologise and now they're all friends."

"Well maybe you need to tell him that. Say thank you to him and see how it goes from there because I actually think he likes you."

Becky huffed and gave Trin a disbelieving look. "How can you say that?"

Trin smiled. "I know you think he looks at Lizzy all the time but, it's you he never stops looking at. I've told you that before."

"I thought you wanted to hook up with him." Becky smiled and tweaked her eyebrows at Trin.

"Well..." Trin laughed. "I don't have to now that you've told me the truth about the size of his dick." Trin pulled Becky to her feet. "Come on. Let's go get a Macca's ice cream."

Becky put her arm through Trin's and leaned into her as they walked. "I love you, Trin. You're my best friend."

"Are you trying to get me to turn les?" Trin asked as she cocked her eyebrow at Becky. They roared with laughter as she added, "Cause it ain't gonna happen."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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