Chapter Sixty-Nine

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This ones for my family.  Thanks for all your love and support ♥♥♥

Rob was in the pool with Linc working on his exercises when Becky turned up. She watched Linc spring off the block and dive for the ball. He missed. Becky laughed.

Rob spun around and smiled at her. "What are you doing here?"

"Bored." Becky shrugged and started to strip off. "Thought I'd come and have a swim with my favourite boys."

"Ah... hum... you mean one favourite boy and one favourite man." Rob pointed at himself.

"Linc's not a man yet, Rob." Becky beamed. "He's only twelve."

"Hahaha very funny, missy."

"What's funny?" Linc gave Becky a wave and looked up at Rob.

"Your sister. She thinks she's a comedian." Rob watched Becky climb into the pool. She was wearing her bikini. The bruise on her thigh was now yellow with greenish grey flecks here and there. "Swimming will probably be good for your leg."

"Yeah. Like mine, Becky." Linc floated on his back and kicked. He rolled to face her. "I can swim right across the pool now with no problems at all."

"Go on. Show me." Becky nudged her head as she waded towards them.

Linc dived under the water and took off.

As he moved away, Rob turned to watch him go so Becky climbed on his back and wrapped her legs around his waist. She put her lips on his neck. "Hello favourite man."

Rob laughed and twisted his head so he could touch her lips with his. "Hello favourite woman." He pulled Becky around so she faced him, her legs still draped around his waist. "How was the visit with your father?"

"It was okay." Becky kissed him but Rob drew back and shook his head.

"Uh, uh. Don't try to get out of answering properly." He cocked his eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

"I'm good, Rob." She smirked. "If you don't stop being pushy I'm going to dump you."

"No you won't." Rob pinched her on the bum. Becky squealed and jerked in his arms so he held tighter. "Now tell me the whole story." He looked up to see Linc heading back across the pool. "I'm sure Linc would want to know too."

"Alright." Becky sighed and waited for her brother to stand in front of them. "That was great, Linc. You're getting so much better."

"You liar Becky. You didn't even watch. You were too busy kissing Rob."

"Not true. I watched you and kissed Rob at the same time. I'm a girl and girls can multitask, unlike you boys."

"Men." Rob chuckled. "Becky was telling me about seeing your dad, Linc."

"I don't care about Dad." Linc made to swim away but Rob stopped him.

"Yeah you do. We all care about our parents, Linc." He looked at Becky. "So how did it go?"

"He looked sad." She lifted the side of her mouth in a grimace. "Linc. He wanted you to know that he's sorry and that he loves you. He's sorry for being so messed up and not being a great father but he said he was going to work out a way to fix his drug problem so he doesn't cause us any more pain." Becky dragged in a breath. She let go of Rob, reached out, and pulled Linc into a hug. "He has to go to court on Monday but will be home that afternoon. He wants to have a family dinner. I said I'd cook something."

"I don't want to. I'm staying at Rob's with Sheila and Michael."

"You have to, Linc. We have to give him one last chance." Becky cupped his face but Linc yanked it away.

"I don't have to do anything."

"Please, Linc. He was so sad. So sorry." Becky touched his cheek with her palm. "We have to give him one more chance. He is our father."

"Becky." Rob went to speak but she turned on him.

"Don't! Don't you dare say anything, Rob! This is between Linc and me and our father!" The instant she yelled she regretted it. "I'm sorry." Becky bit her lip and moved toward him. "I'm sorry, Rob. You've been so wonderful to us, me. I didn't mean that to sound so bitchy but I've... we've... got to sort this on our own." She reached out to touch him but he took a step back.

"Righto." Rob held up his hands. "I'll wait in the car." He swam to the edge of the pool, climbed out, and grabbed his bag and towel.

"That was nasty, Becky." Linc scowled at her.

"I didn't mean for it to be nasty." She felt tears building in her eyes. Why did everything have to be so complicated? "I'll make it up to him. I promise but you and I have to sort our business on our own, Linc. Rob and his parents might not be there for us all the time. They're not our family. They might get sick of us one day, and then where would we be?" Becky sighed. "Do you get that?"

"Yeah... I get it." Linc screwed up his mouth. "So what do we have to do?"

"We'll go home on Monday. I'll cook us a meal and see how it goes from there." Becky shrugged. "That's all we can do."

"But what about us living with Sheila and Michael?" Linc shook his head. "I don't want to live with Dad."

"I don't see we have a choice, Linc. Children services hasn't said he can't have us. Not that I've been told anyway." She jerked her shoulders. "Michael might know but at this stage we have to be home on Monday night. I promise you, I will find out for sure what options we have. Okay?"

"Okay." Linc mumbled and made his way to the edge of the pool. He looked back. "You better say sorry to Rob, cause I'm sure you made him kinda sad and angry."

"I will." Becky followed him. "I promise."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved. 

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