Chapter Thirty-Four

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Rob played hard. Adrenalin pumped through his veins. Sweat poured down his face. They won a short corner with two minutes on the clock. Time to see how the play with Shorty goes. He looked at the setup, took his stance with the ball and pushed hard and fast straight across the goalmouth. Shorty trapped and bam. Straight into the box.

The other team was stunned. It'd all transpired so fast they were still looking around wondering what had happened. Rob high fived Drew then Greg, Scott and Shorty. "Well done, man!"

He looked over at the grandstand. His mother and father were celebrating with some of the other parents. Tim Creally was shaking Mr. Bradshaw's hand. Shauna, Lizzy, Trin, and the girls were jumping up and down cheering. No sign of Becky. He'd been hoping she'd come and watch their first game. Thought she might have brought Linc with her since most of the junior boys were there watching. Maybe he'd made a mistake earlier telling her what was going on with him but she'd been so angry he thought it was because she had some feelings for him. What to do now?

Tim patted each player on the back. His face said it all. "Well done everyone! Great game!" He clapped his hands together. "Fantastic start to the season." Everyone milled around shaking hands and congratulating each other. Rob joined in. People he'd never met were praising him.

His father shook his hand. "Good game, son."

"Thanks, Dad." His mother threw her arms around his neck. Rob chuckled and whispered, "Mum. Embarrassing."

"I don't care." She kissed his cheek. "What are your plans for the rest of the night? Will you boys go and celebrate somewhere? The team is more than welcome to come to ours."

"Not this time, Mum." Rob smiled. "But thanks. I'm pretty sure Drew's got it covered." He gave her a squeeze.

"Okay. Don't do anything stupid." Sheila moved off to where Rob's father was talking to the principal.

Rob went into the change rooms for a shower. When he was finished, he sat on the cubicle seat and opened Google on his phone. He searched the white pages, typed in Bridgestone and found one in Jardine Street. Rob hit Google maps and worked out how to get there. He just hoped it was Becky's house because he needed to see her and sort things out.

Maybe he'd ask her to the movies. It was only seven thirty. If she rejected him, she rejected him but surely, he couldn't get much clearer than he had in the pool. Shit. Rob chuckled. He hoped she didn't think that was all he was after. Should he go and see her? Maybe he needed to give her time to take on board what he'd said. If she thought it was just sex that'd probably put her off.

No. He had to go and see her to explain that he wanted to take her out on a proper date. Rob packed his gear in his bag and headed out.

"Oi! Rob!" Greg was standing with his arm around Shauna's shoulders. "What are you doing now? We're all going to head down to the café to celebrate."

"Sorry. Can't. Maybe later."

Trin took hold of his arm. "Come. It'll be fun. You deserve to celebrate because you were amazing." She beamed at him and ran her hand over his back. "I will guarantee you'll have some fun."

Rob flicked his eyes from Trin's face to Greg and Shauna's. Trin was giving him a look. "Thanks. Maybe later."

"No worries." Greg raised his hand and moved off with Shauna. Trin pouted and started to follow them.

"Can we talk?" Rob took her by the hand. "I think we gotta talk."

"Sure." Trin giggled. "Of course we can talk."

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