Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Linc could see Becky sitting at the bus stop waiting for him. He climbed down the stairs and grinned at her. "Hey, Becky."

"How was your day?" Becky smiled at him and grabbed his bag. She threw it over her shoulder as they moved off.

"Pretty good."

"Did you tell Trin I was sick?" She looked down at him. He wasn't limping as much so she smiled some more because they'd put in a lot of time over the weekend doing his stretches.

"I didn't tell her till lunch." Linc screwed up his mouth. "I forgot."

"Linc?" Becky huffed. "What about Rob? He's going to be really pissed off when you don't turn up at training."

"No. I told him." Linc looked up at his sister with concern on his face. "He came looking for me at lunch time to see where you were and asked me why I didn't go to the game. I said you were sick and I couldn't go to training either because you were still sick." Linc sighed. He dug in his pocket and handed Becky a piece of paper. "That's Rob's phone number. He said if you couldn't take me to ring him and he'd come and get me." He paused. "Becky. He asked me why Dad couldn't take me."

"What did you say?"

"I said he had to work, and then Rob asked me what he did." Linc lifted his shoulders, and then dropped them in defeat. "I didn't know what to say so I just said stuff."

Becky screwed up her face not fully understanding what he was saying. "What stuff did you say?"

"No," Linc chortled. "He said, what does your father do? so I said, stuff. I just said the word stuff because I didn't know what else to say."

"Oh, Linc." Becky laughed. "You are so funny. What did he say?"

"That's when he gave me his phone number. I said Dad didn't like people he didn't know coming to our house. Rob asked if he should come and meet him." Linc twisted up the corner of his mouth, and then added, "I said I'd ask you."

Becky sighed. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. If he asks me I'll sort it." She patted him on the back. "How about a Macca's cone?"

"Yeah... great." Linc beamed. "You're the best, Becky."

She laughed. "I know."

Wow shortest chapter ever but it had to be done ☺ Next one is bigger and you'll love it!

I promise!! xoxo

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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I really appreciate it ♥♥

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