Chapter Sixty-Three

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Sorry big chapter.  Most of them are and I've had to cut them in half which is making this a bigger book than I thought it was.  It is a normal sized book though ☺Thanks for continuing to read.  ♥♥♥

Becky watched Rob's father speak to the doctor and sign some papers. She backed into the corner. It was embarrassing having Mr. Jarvis and Rob there while she stood in a hospital gown that would not tie up properly. Her backside kept showing each time she tried to move on the stupid crutches.

"Where's Linc?" Anxiety gripped her stomach. Rob had promised Linc would stay with him.

"He's at home with Mum." Rob could see she was uncomfortable. "Dad and I went to your house and picked up some clothes." He held up the bag. "Linc was still asleep." He smiled and lifted her chin. "It's all good. Dad and I had a few other things to do. We weren't far from here so thought we'd bring your clothes and, see how soon you can be discharged."

Rob twisted up his mouth. "I hope I chose right. It's a dress. I liked the colour." He opened the bag and pulled out an azure summer dress. "There's more in the car."

"It's good." Becky smiled. It was her favourite. The same one she nearly wore to watch him play hockey but had decided jeans were safer. She was glad he liked it. "Did you... um... get... knickers?"

"In the bag." Rob cocked his head, and then leaned in and whispered, "Pretty ones." He kissed her on the cheek and was glad to see her smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Bit sore." Becky shrugged. She didn't want to talk about it. "Can you drop me and Linc home? I'll have to start tidying up."

"Ah... no. You're coming home with us." There was no way Rob was letting her go back to that hovel. He couldn't believe she and Linc shared the same small bedroom while their idiot father had a much larger room and the spare was filled with a stripped down motorbike. "Your place is a bit messed up. The door won't lock."

"Rob." Becky stared at him and hissed, "I can't go to yours." She shook her head. "Linc and I will be okay."

"We're not fighting over this, Becky, so don't even think about it. You're coming to mine until everything's sorted."

"Rob. I'm no..."

He kissed her. She moved her lips against his for a moment, and then pulled away. Rob grinned down at her as she pushed on his chest.

"You're doing it again."

"What?" He cocked his head and beamed at her.

"That smiling, talking thing. With your eyes. You do it so you don't have to discuss things you don't want to." She pinched his nipple. "So stop it." Becky couldn't help but grin at him.

Rob gently took hold of her wrist and winced. "That's hurting me."

"Good. Cause you're being pushy again."

He leaned in and uttered, "I like being pushy. We should go swimming again." Rob put his lips on her lobe. "I love it when you're bossy."

Becky giggled and jerked her head backwards. His warm breath in her ear sent a shard of goose bumps down her arm. She knew he was trying to make her laugh. Trying to make her think about the wonderful time they'd had before her horrific night began. "I know what you're doing," she murmured and kissed the back of his hand. "Thank you."

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