Chapter Sixteen

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Becky slid onto the front seat of Hunter's car. "Take me home."

"What? No way. We're going to hook up aren't we?" He pulled into the traffic.

"No we're not. So take me home."

"What the fuck? I bet this has something to do with that dick Jarvis! What'd he say to you?"

"It's got nothing to do with him and all to do with you!" Becky yelled. "What the hell was that telling him to take a number?" Becky leered at Hunter and jabbed him with her finger. "You want a girl to blow you, and then shit talk about her, like she's a whore, to someone else. And... to do it in front of her. Fuck off Hunter! Take me home or drop me here. I'm done!"

"Becky." Trin reached over and touched her shoulder. "Hunter was just joking because it looked like Rob was trying to hit on you." She paused. "He was, wasn't he?"

"No, Trin." Becky turned on her. "As a matter of fact he was talking to me about Linc or at least trying to talk to me about Linc. He is his hockey coach you know." She sat forward and folded her arms across her chest. "Take me home because I'm so pissed off I'll probably bite your dick off and you wouldn't want to risk that."

"Fuck you, Becky." Hunter pulled the car over. "You're a fucking tease. Get out of my car and take yourself home."

"Well that's it. I'm out too." Trin grabbed her bag and climbed out of the car.

"No way, Trin? This has got nothing to do with you and me." Jeff, the boy in the back with Trin tried to catch her hand as she stood up.

She shrugged and gave him a grin. "Sorry, Jeff. Friends before foes."

"Yeah...piss off the both of you!" Hunter held up his finger and sped off.

Becky stormed away.

Trin had to run to catch up with her. "I'm sorry, Becky. I thought Jerky Jarvis was trying to chat you up so I told Hunter. That was my fault."

"God, Trin. What would make you think that? You know he hates me and I hate him."

Trin raised her eyebrows. "I don't think that's true."


"I don't think Rob hates you."

Becky folded her arms. "Piss off, Trin. The guy has never said a nice word to me and I can't stand him. You should hear what he said to me in maths. The dickhead has to sit next to me so I know he hates me."

"Yeah...whatever you reckon." Trin smirked. "I still don't think it's true. He watches you all the time, Becky, and you know how his eyes are."

"Oh. Right. Yeah." Becky put on a gruff slurred voice and used her fingers as inverted comas. "His... talking... eyes." She laughed. "You are so full of shit, Trin."

Trin laughed too. "You know his eyes talk so stop trying to deny it."

"Ok. His eyes talk. They tell me he hates me. End of story." She shoved Trin in the shoulder and redirected her. "Let's go to Macca's and I'll shout you an ice cream for being my best friend."

"But I just stuffed up your thing with Hunter."

"But you also stood by me and got out of the car." Becky stopped walking and thrust her hips. "Ah...ah..." She rolled her head from side to side and groaned some more. In a deep voice she said, "I think I'm gonna cum, Becky."

Trin shrieked with laughter and covered her mouth.

Becky stopped moving and gave her a playful slap. "That's Hunter. He'll come crawling back so don't worry."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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