Chapter Two

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Becky, the bitch, Bridgestone was seated at a desk in English as Rob walked through the door with Lizzy. He glanced at her and steered Lizzy into a seat near the wall. He didn't want any of the lunch time crap to continue.

He took the aisle seat, settled his books, and then glanced over his shoulder. Becky had leaned back in her chair and directed her body straight at him.

She smirked and opened her legs a fraction. Milk coffee coloured thigh highlighted by a triangle of lime green panties caught his eye. What the Fuck?

It was nice to look at, sure, but why would a pretty girl do that?

Rob drew his gaze away from her creamy skin and studied her face. Beautiful blue eyes. Dusty red lips capped by a shiny black bob. Pretty but disgusting. The shit she was pulling didn't impress him. He watched as she closed her legs and looked away. She shuffled in her seat and lifted her eyes to meet his once more, and then quickly flicked them away.

Yep. She'd got the message. Rob could tell by the way she turned away from him. He focused his attention on Lizzy. Cute little Lizzy with her tiny hands and chocolate eyes. He was finding it hard not to look at her.


A surge of anxiety gripped Becky's chest. She sucked in a slow silent lungful of air. How dare he look at her like that? She couldn't understand how he had managed to make her feel ashamed of what she'd just done.

It'd never bothered her before if people looked at her with disgust or indifference. She didn't give a shit what people thought of her but this guy had made her feel small twice, and, in one day. One hour more like. She glanced at him again. He was staring down at little snooty Lizzie Tyson like she was a Christmas gift he'd always wanted. She sneered. Drooling more like it.

Becky rolled her eyes and looked away. If he thought he was going to get his end in with that one he had another thing coming. She huffed again as she lifted her pen. Boys were bastards.

They were only good for one thing, and even then, it only lasted a minute. She didn't know why she bothered with them. Becky twisted her mouth up in thought. Maybe she should try it with a girl. She thought about Trin. Could she? Could she go down on a girl? Trin was hot. Becky chuckled. There was no way. Definitely not. No way. Never. She smiled and looked towards the black board.

The new guy was watching her again with his stunning multi-coloured eyes. A puzzled look crossed his face. She simpered. If only he knew what she'd been thinking. Becky poked her tongue out, licked her lips seductively and slid her hand up her thigh taking her skirt with it.

Fuck him. Who cared what he thought of her. Let him think like all the others. Maybe she'd let him do her one day. He might think he's superior now but when it came to anything to do with sex he'd be no different to any other boy she knew.


Lizzy couldn't believe it when Rob Jarvis said he was in the same English class as she was. Even more surprising, was that he asked her to walk with him, and then sat at the same desk as her.

She smiled at her textbook. He hadn't stopped looking at her. Lizzy wondered if he really was as nice as he seemed. Most of the boys on the hockey team had a little bit of bad in them. Especially Drew Morgan. He was super wild. Lizzy had been warned to keep well away. All the girls loved him. She understood why. He was really good looking and just had to wink at a girl with his cheeky smile to get her swooning. He'd had so many girlfriends that Lizzy had lost count.

Becky and Drew had a thing or at least Lizzy thought they did however, she'd never seen them hold hands or anything at school. She had seen them leave parties together but, Becky left parties with lots of boys.

Lizzy glanced at Rob. She felt her face heat and had to look away to control the butterflies in her stomach. Drew might have a bit of competition now. Rob had thick-cropped dark hair. His amazing hazel eyes sparkled all the time. Well...they hadn't twinkled when Trin had attempted to push him but, they'd certainly flickered when he laughed straight into bitchy Becky's face when she'd tried to impress him.

Then he'd picked Becky up like she was a piece of scrap to get them to leave her alone. Lizzy sucked in a breath and clamped her lips together to stop any sound from coming out of her mouth. He had defended her before they had even been introduced. She looked up at him again. Rob Jarvis was smiling down at her. Lizzy blushed and looked back at her textbook.

Yes. Drew Morgan definitely had some competition.


Trin hadn't stopped thinking about the new boy all day. She licked her ice cream and looked over at Becky. "So...what are we going to do about the new guy?"

Becky shrugged as she ambled along the footpath. "Maybe we should focus on Lizzy. He didn't stop staring at her all through English." She laughed. "If he thinks he's going to get all excited with her he's got another thing coming." Becky jiggled her head and pitched her voice. "" She licked her own ice cream. "Maybe we should leave him to it. Self-inflicted punishment for being a stuck up dick."

"Did you find out his name?"

"Nope. And to be honest, Trin, I don't think I care." Becky took another lick of her cone.

"What..?" Trin stopped walking and stared at Becky opened mouthed. "He's a hunk."

"So you do him." Becky turned and walked backwards. "I'm over boys. You give them what they want, and then they call you a slut." She grinned as she licked her cone again. "I'm thinking of turning les."

Trin burst into laughter and trotted to catch up. "Fuck off. Who you gonna turn les for?"

Becky turned forwards, jerked her shoulders, looked sideways at Trin and fluttered her eyelashes. "What about you, Trinny? Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Oh...yeah...honey. I thought you'd never ask." Trin put her arm around Becky's shoulders and pretended to give her a big pash by making loud sucking noises.

As they walked Trin thought of the new guy. He was the hottest boy she'd ever seen. She corrected herself. Man. He was more man than boy. He had everything she liked. Tall, broad chest and light tan skin. She loved boys with big hands and this guy had big hands all right, with veins that ran up his forearms to his biceps and under the sleeve of his shirt. Then there was his face. Strong jawline and intense eyes that said so much more than his mouth. She sighed. Yeah that mouth with its full lips attached to parts of her anatomy. If Becky wasn't interested she definitely was.

"What are you mooning about?"

Becky's question brought Trin out of her dream. She licked her ice cream again and grinned at her friend. "The new guy. I'm gonna have him sucking my titties before the end of the week."

Becky roared with laughter. She threw the last of her cone into the gutter and said, "Good luck with that." She smirked, twinkled her fingers in goodbye and turned the corner as she called, "Gotta get to work. I'll see ya tomorrow, lover."

"See ya." Trin waved and went back to thinking about the new guy.

Mm...first things first.

His name.

Flirting came off better when you knew the person's name.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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