Chapter Seventy-One

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This chapter contains mature scenes.

The drive home was very tense. Becky didn't know how to begin. Rob hadn't said a word. He'd played so hard. She was sure it was because of his anger with her. The team won by three goals. They'd been asked to go and celebrate with the rest of their friends but Rob had said no. Becky felt she didn't have a choice other than to follow him to the car and get in. When they got home, he took off up the stairs and into the shower so fast Becky wondered if it was even worth trying to talk to him.

She sat on her bed struggling to decide what to do. Becky considered packing up her things and going home, except Linc was already asleep and she didn't think he'd like it if she wasn't there when he woke up.

The sound of Rob's door closing made her lift her head. It was her fault he was furious, though she didn't fully understand why he was so enraged. Becky stood up. If his door was locked, she'd go to bed. If not, she'd try to speak with him. She sucked in a breath but chickened out so headed to the toilet instead. When she was finished, she stood in front of his door and dragged in other lungful of air.

Becky straightened her dress, and then put her hand on the knob. It turned. A soft glow of light lit the room. She stepped inside. Rob was lying on his back with his hands behind his head looking up at the ceiling. Becky closed the door quietly behind her and leant against it with her fingers on the knob. "Can we talk now?"

He mumbled, "I guess."

She pressed in the lock button, and then stepped towards the bed to sit gingerly on the edge. "I'm sorry, Rob. I didn't mean to sound angry or nasty but Linc and I have to work things out our way."

"You mean, your way." Rob turned his head and peered at her.

"No. I guess." Becky fiddled with her fingers. "Not really."

Rob sat up, wrapped his arms around his knees, and focused on Becky's face. "Yes, Becky. Your way. Linc doesn't want to go."

"Then it's up to him to say. Not you." Becky stared back at Rob. "I don't understand why you're so angry about this."

"He did say and I'm your boyfriend. We're a couple or supposed to be. Couples sort things out together. You keep pushing me away. I feel like I'm in the way." He cocked his head. "Am I Becky? Cause you don't seem to want my support or opinion on any of this and I told you what sort of boyfriend I am."

"But this is between me and Linc. To do with our father. We have to work this out without anyone's help, Rob."

"Then you have to stop making all the decisions by yourself and listen to what Linc wants."

Becky felt her blood start to boil. "And you have to realise you're not helping. Linc looks up to you so much. Do you understand that? He literally thinks you're a God. Everything you do and say has a massive influence on him. I can't let you speak for him, Rob. That's what I was trying to prevent this afternoon. You can't say anything concerning this because he will do whatever you want." Becky dropped her head. Tears filled her eyes.

She looked back up at him. "You've gotta know how important you are to both of us. Surely you know that, but you have to let us do this the way it would be done without us having ever met you." Becky gulped back a sob. "I understand what you're saying. That it all seems to be my way but without you around that's exactly how it would have been. We need to see our father. Linc has no choice on this. Once we see him, then we'll work out what we're going to do. The two of us will work it out. Linc will get his say, but he can't make such an important decision, without hearing out our father first."

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