Chapter Eleven

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Becky strutted past Rob in the hall and headed to the Maths B classroom. She wasn't sure what to expect or if she should thank him for being kind to Linc. Maths B wasn't on Thursday so she had been able to avoid all contact with him but Friday was a double lesson. If she got there first, she could pretend she didn't know he was there until he sat, and therefore, not have to acknowledge him.

She opened her textbook and stared at the page they'd been set for homework. When she heard the chair scrape beside her, she bent down into her bag and rummaged for her pen. Becky drew a long slow breath. She hated this. Hated him. Hated that she always felt on edge around him and this was only his first week.

As soon as Rob sat, he knew Becky wasn't going to talk to him. He studied her profile as she read her textbook. She still had make up on but it wasn't caked on like it had been. Maybe she was new to make up and was trying to teach herself to use it. A few google searches would probably set her in the right direction but he didn't think she needed the crap.

He leant his forearms on the desk to see if she'd look up. Nope. He watched her write something in her exercise book. Rob moved his arm so his elbow hit hers and caused her pen to scrawl up the page.

She glared at him.

"Sorry." He held up both hands. "Accident." Man she looked pissed. If she had a knife, she'd probably stab him. Rob smiled. "Seriously. Accident."

"In a perfect world it'd be really nice if you disappeared," Becky spat. "But we both know this isn't a perfect world, so maybe, you could pretend to fucking disappear." Becky dug in her bag and pulled out her whiteout so she could fix the mess he'd caused her to make.


She jerked her head around as she felt his warm breath in her ear. His face was so close to hers she could feel his next breath on her lips. Becky stopped breathing as he stared into her eyes. She watched his sparkle. Knew he was laughing at her. He moved his eyes to her lips and over her face to settle on her cheek. What to do? What to say? "Yeah...I know you want my pussy but I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last boy on this planet."

Rob jolted his head back. It took him a second to compose himself. He knew he deserved some payback but really? She annoyed the shit out of him so much. "You need to watch your mouth."

"So you're my father now are you?" she snarled.

"Man...I feel so sorry for your mother. How did she end up with a bitch like you for a daughter?"

Becky bit her tongue and gripped the desk. How dare he bring her mother into this? She turned to face him fully then spread her legs, dangled her hand between her thighs and fiddled with the hem of her skirt.

His gaze dropped. Yep that got his attention. She simpered, "Maybe I will fuck you. That is what you want isn't it? It is why you keep aggravating the shit out of me. So if we fuck will you leave me alone because I really don't like you?" She kept the sneer on her face but the twinge in her nose was fighting to erupt into tears.

He stared back at her without saying a word. She'd shut him up alright but he didn't have to verbalize anything because his eyes said all that needed to be said. Becky felt so dirty.

"You really shouldn't do that," he whispered. "It doesn't suit you."

Rob folded his arms across his chest, leaned back in his chair and looked up at Mr. Campbell as he walked to the front of the class. He couldn't focus but pretended to pay attention. She had a bruise on her cheek. That's why she had makeup on. Rob sighed. He needed to stop provoking her. Maybe she was right. Maybe he did want to have sex with her. Really? She wasn't even his type. Rob bit back a grin. What was his type? Blondes. He went for blondes. Tiny little blondes like Lizzy not long legged sluts like Becky Bridgestone. He inhaled and tried to focus on what Mr. Campbell was saying.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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