Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Rob sat across from Becky in English. She was wearing makeup again. He'd bet dollars that she'd have a bruise on her face and felt sure it was because of him. What to do if her father hits her?

Stupid move going to her house without having any background on her family. However, what normal person needed to find out the background of a friend before visiting them? He thought he'd catch up with her after class but she shot off before he could get his books together. Lizzy held him up by asking if he was going to the café that afternoon.

"Ah...not sure, Lizzy." She was giving him the cute look again but it wasn't affecting him in the same way. Rob gave her a grin. "Better get on to my next class." He had Physics, the last lesson before morning tea. If he couldn't get closer to Becky in that class he was going to be ready to catch her before she slipped away.

She was sitting against the far wall next to Vernon Tracy, the shyest boy in school. Rob was sure she'd done it on purpose so he couldn't sit anywhere near her. He took a seat closest to the door. There was no way she was going to get passed him. He tried to concentrate on what Mister Grieg was saying.

"Today we're working on Newton's First Law of Motion. Has anyone got a clue what this is about?" The teacher looked around the classroom.

Rob could see he was disappointed no one had an answer. What the hell? He lifted his hand.

"Rob." Mister Grieg grinned.

"Inertia, sir. Resistance to change."

"Good work, Rob. For the rest of you, Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and direction unless an external force causes a change. So objects keep doing what they do and resist change to their normal state. This resistance to change is called inertia. This theory..."

Rob couldn't keep his mind on what the teacher was saying. He wondered if Becky was resistant to change and that's why she was avoiding him. He smirked at the thought of him being the external force, because he was definitely going to make changes to her life if she'd let him.

At the end of the class, he gathered his books and waited out of sight just around the door so she'd think he had gone.

She was looking in her bag as she walked from the classroom. Rob stepped in sync beside her. Becky looked up in surprise.

"I gotta talk to you, Becky."

"No you don't." She did a quick side step and darted down the stairs. Rob caught her on the landing.

"Yeah, I do." He took her by the top of the arm and gently pushed her into the corner of the wall.

Becky sighed and gave him a look of impatience. "What?"

For some reason Rob didn't know what to say. Where to start the conversation? He studied her face instead, and then gently took hold of her chin. She resisted. Rob used a bit more force so he could see her left cheek better. "Your father hits you, doesn't he?"

"No." Becky jerked her head out of his hold. "Leave me alone, Rob." She tried to step away but he blocked her.

"Becky. I'm not stupid. You're wearing makeup to hide that bruise. You've done it before and I was there at your place. I did hear him you know."

"It's not what you think. I'm clumsy. I fell." This time she managed to get past him. She bolted down the last set of stairs.

Rob followed. He grabbed her hand as she reached the end of the building. Kids were mulling at the drink taps so Rob pulled her around the corner and into the passage between that building and the next.

"Becky. You gotta tell me."

"I don't have to tell you anything. It's none of your business." Becky lifted her head. "Why did you even come to my place? After what you said to me in the pool, why would I want you to come to my place? I might be a slut but I'm not having sex with you unless I want to and I don't want to." She tapped her chest. "I choose who I have sex with. Not you."

She folded her arms across her body and hung her head. "You're not going to keep grabbing me like you do and push against me, and then expect me to let you." Becky looked back up at him and pressed on, "I do the choosing."

Rob smiled. He couldn't help it. She looked so stubborn, pouty, and pretty. He cupped her face, kissed her lightly, and then looked her in the eyes as he whispered, "How many guys have you actually chosen?"

Becky stared back at him. He'd kissed her. It was nice. Tender. She frowned at him and murmured, "None of your business."

"I'll take that as a zero." Rob leaned in to kiss her again but Becky put her hand on his mouth.

"What are you doing? Kissing me isn't going to make me let you. I'm not going to have sex with you just because you want to finish what you started at Scott's party."

Rob sucked in a breath and drew his head back. "It's not what I meant." He sighed. "I was trying to tell you on Friday, Becky. I thought you had it. Jeez... I can't stop thinking about you. About Scott's party. About you in your swimmers and being at the public pool eating ice-cream, and sitting next to you in Maths, enjoying your company, even though you make it hard."  He laughed.  "I don't want to have sex with you." Rob grinned and shrugged. "Well I do, but not why you think. I want to take you out, Becky. Maybe to a movie or something. I want to be with you. Do stuff with you. Fun stuff. Boyfriend, girlfriend stuff."

Becky gasped and peered at him in disbelief. "But you hate me."

"I don't hate you." Rob chuckled. "You piss me off and annoy the crap out of me with your stupid slut game and telling me I'm not allowed to talk to you. Then to spread that rumour about me. That was a low act. And I really didn't like you telling Jan I thought I was God's gift." He smirked. "Even if it's true, but I don't hate you. I like you. It's what I've been trying to say."

"So are you asking me out? Like boyfriend and girlfriend? Is that what you're saying?"

"Yeah. Kinda. I guess. Not straight up if you don't want, but maybe do boyfriend, girlfriend stuff and see how it goes." He cocked his head and smiled as the bell rang.

Becky gave him a shove so he had to take a step backwards. She grinned and held her head loftily as she strutted off. "I'll think about it."

Rob hung his head and laughed. He put his hands on his hips, and then called after her. "Are you bringing Linc to the pool this afternoon?"

She spun around still grinning and walked backwards. "Yes."

"Will you have thought about it by then?"

"Maybe. But I am a very busy person." She chuckled, spun forward and skipped around the corner.

Another of my favourite chapters.  Let me know if it's one of yours too ;)

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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