Chapter Sixty-One

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The sound of a dog barking woke Becky. She screamed as a large German shepherd stuck its nose into the bushes. Becky covered her eyes as bright torchlight shone in her face.

Linc cried out and sat up in alarm so she wrapped her arms around him.

"Are you the Bridgestone kids?" The torch light moved upwards,  looming over their heads. A man crouched in front of them.

Becky's eyes focused.

The police officer smiled. "It's okay. You're safe. I'm with the police. We've been looking all over for you. You are Becky and Linc Bridgestone, aren't you?"

"Yes," she whispered. "We haven't done anything wrong. We're just camping. For fun." Becky shuffled backwards.

"It's okay, Hun. I'm Peter Collins. I'm a police officer. You can come out now. You're safe. You don't have to hide anymore."

"We're not hiding." Becky held Linc tighter. "We're camping. We wanted to camp. For fun."

"Sweetie." Peter moved the torch over the bedding. "You're hurt. There's blood all over you. All over your towel and pillow. You need to come out so we can get you some help."

"No! You're not taking us. I can look after us." Tears streamed down Becky's face. "I'm okay."

"Becky." Linc reached up and touched his sister's cheek. "We'll be alright. You got lots of blood on you." He looked at the officer. "Is our Dad dead?"

"No, mate. The neighbours rang. They were worried about the pair of you. He did try to hurt himself so he's been taken to hospital." Peter held his hand out. "How about you come out now?"

"Are you gonna separate us?" Linc looked at Becky. His big strong sister appeared small and frightened. He wrapped his arm around her, took a breath, and peered at the officer. "My sister doesn't want you to do that and neither do I so we're not gonna come out unless you promise we'll stay together."

"I promise." Peter smiled at this brave little boy. "Your sister's hurt. You can see that. I'd like to take her to the hospital and get her looked at. What do you think?"

"You gotta pinkie promise." Linc thrust out his little finger in determination. Becky had her face buried in Linc's neck. He patted her back. "It's okay, Becky. He's gonna pinkie promise."

Becky shuddered. She tried to stop crying but she hurt all over. Her body felt like lead.

"They're over here." The torch light moved. Becky heard the officer's voice, and then more rustles as the bushes moved.

"Becky." She refused to look up even though the voice sounded familiar. There was a gasp and the word, "Shit..."

"Becky. It's Rob." Linc shook her. "It's Rob, Becky."

"Come out, Linc. Let me in." Rob couldn't believe the state of her. Dried streams of blood stained her face. Her blue shirt streaked with blood had turned it almost purple. He crawled in beside her. "Can you give us a minute?"

The officer took Linc by the hand. "Come on, mate. We'll wait over here."

"Hey." Rob lifted Becky's chin. "Where are you hurt?"

" head." She lifted her hand to indicate, and then dropped it because pain shot up her arm. "My...arm..." Becky sobbed into Rob's chest as he drew her against him. "I'm so tired."

"Let's get you out of here." He kissed the top of her head and slid out from the bushes still holding her hand.

"No. Rob. Don't let them take Linc. Please. He has to stay with me."

"I know. I'll stay with you both." Rob touched her face. "It'll be okay, Becky, but at the moment getting you looked at by a doctor is the first thing we've got to do."

Becky gripped his hand. "If they make me stay there, they'll take Linc and put him into care."

"I'll look after him," Rob said. "I promise. I'll talk to Dad. Linc can stay at our house." Rob kissed her cheek. "Come on, Becky. You need to see a doctor. Please."

Becky's leg folded under her weight. Rob caught her as she went down. He lifted her and carried her across the park to where an ambulance was waiting.

Linc ran after them. "What are you doing?"

"Becky's gotta go to hospital, Linc. You can go with her in the ambulance. They'll want to look at you too." Rob put Becky on the stretcher and pushed matted hair from her face. "Hey." He smiled down at her. "I'm gonna get your stuff and meet you at the hospital. Linc's going with you."

She tried to smile but closed her eyes instead.

Michael Jarvis put his hand on Rob's shoulder. "Thanks, mate. How did you know they'd be in the park?"

"Just a guess. I didn't think she'd go too far from the house." Rob shrugged. "Fuck that bastard. I knew she'd get hurt." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I gotta get their stuff then I'm going to the hospital." Rob started to walk away but his father stopped him.

"Leave their things. We'll need to look at it." He jerked his head. "Go with Becky in the ambulance. I'll drive your car and see you at the hospital."

"Yeah. I'd like that." Rob started to climb in but stepped back. "Dad. Becky's worried about Linc being taken into care. She wants him to stay with her. Can we have him with us? Do you think Mum would mind if I took him home tonight? If we took care of him. Can you help? Like with Children Services, I mean."

"I'll see what I can do. I'm sure Mum won't mind." Michael smiled. "You know what she's like. How about you give her a ring. I can guarantee she'll be awake." He raised his hand. "I better get on with it."

As he walked away, Rob called, "Dad."

"Yeah, mate."

"Thanks. Thanks for letting me know. Letting me come and help look for them."

Michael smiled. "All good. I'll see you soon."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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