Chapter Eight

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Rob emptied the ball bag and set up some orange cones on the field. The junior boys were gathering along the bottom two runs of the grandstand. He wished he had thought to pack a change of clothes. Even though he'd rolled up the sleeves of the formal shirt and taken off the tie it was way too hot to train in. Not that he thought he would be doing any running. He chuckled. At least he hoped he wasn't going to be.

He and Drew had decided at lunch that Rob would take the kids who had never played before, and Drew, would take those that had some experience.

Rob headed to the grandstand. Drew was already there talking to some of the boys. He turned as Rob approached and clapped his hands to quieten the group. Coach Creally slipped onto the end of the bottom row of seats.

The juniors went quiet. Drew clapped his hands again so they focused on him. "So...everyone! Thank you all for coming." He directed his hand towards Rob. "This is Rob Jarvis and I'm Drew Morgan. We're going to be your coaches this year. Rob and I play in the senior team. We are State Representatives, and have both trained with the Institute of Sports in Canberra. We hope to play for Australia one day." He grinned at Rob and continued, "To start we want everyone who's played before to sit to my right and anyone who hasn't played before to sit on the left."

The kids scurried to sit in the correct places. Rob ran his eyes over the group. Almost fifty, fifty which was a good thing. His eyes travelled higher up the grandstand to see some of the parents and....Becky fucking Bridgestone way up on the top row. What the hell? Rob's eyes held hers for a moment, and then caught movement further down.

Lizzy was waving at him. He grinned at her. She was like a little kid. All beaming and excited. He didn't need to wave back. She had seen him look.

Once the kids had settled Drew started talking again. "Rob plays centre half which for those who haven't played is what we call a, back. I play left inner. That makes me a, forward." He waved his words aside as he added, "Don't worry too much about the positions yet. What we want to do is get you started with some ball and stick work today." Drew looked sideways at Rob, and then continued, "When we do sort out the positions Rob will train the, backs, and I'll train the, forwards. We'll eventually bring you all together for half the sessions to get you working as a team." He paused, and then said, "Any questions."

The boys looked around at each other and shook their heads. One father lifted his finger. Rob held his palm towards him. "Yes, sir."

"So..." the man said, "Are you buggers going to win the state titles this year?"

Rob Chuckled and nodded as he said, "Yes, sir we are."

"That's all I need to know." The man laughed and held up his hands. "Carry on."

Tim Creally hung his head to hide the smirk on his face. This kid was good.

"Okay guys." Rob raised his voice to be heard. "All of you who have played before can you go with Drew to the goal circle and you, new guys, I want over at the witch's hats." Rob clapped his hands and hollered, "Let's go!"

Tim smiled at Drew and Rob. "Looks like you've got it all under control. I might head off." He looked at where the kids were making their way to their assigned areas and slapped Rob and Drew on the back. "Let me know how it goes tomorrow and what your plans are."

"No worries, coach," they both said at once.


Rob followed his group of boys to where he had set up the orange cones. He noticed one was walking with a severe limp. Once he got them all in a circle he said, "Right. One of the most important things about being in a team is getting to know, trust, and have faith in your teammates. So, we're going to tell the group a little about each other." He pointed to the first boy. "Let's start with your name, and then something about yourself and, I want to know why you decided to join hockey."

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