Chapter Fifty-Five

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Hi All,

Before I post my next chapter I wanted to give you a bit of history on how I came to write 'Black Cat'. I had heard that Wattpad was a great stepping stone to get people to read your work so I signed up. I wanted to put something of my own up but wasn't sure which genre.

I looked at all the genres and settled on Teen Fiction. I read a few and noticed there was always a bitchy slut in a lot of the stories I had chosen. I'm a 'What If' kind of writer so I asked myself about these bitchy characters. Why were they like they were? Surely they had reasons. I don't believe anyone's a pure bitch just for the sake of it. So using the 'What If' method I asked myself 'What If' the bitchy slut had a reason to be as she is and what would that reason be? 'What If' I told a story from her perspective? So that is what "Black Cat" is all about. The bitchy slut's reason for being how she is.

I can't thank you all enough for continuing to read and being so supportive of 'Black Cat'. I hope you are enjoying the read and loving Becky and Rob as much as I love them.

Cheers, Donna.


She had so misread everything. Becky clung to Rob's shirt and cried. She realised that she didn't really know why she was crying. It wasn't her father she was crying for and she knew it didn't have much to do with her mother. Linc maybe. There was a lot of pain and loss in that kid but it was getting better. Rob had changed that.

Becky gasped again and clung tighter to the fabric of his shirt as she realised she was crying for Rob. She'd misjudged him and hadn't read him correctly. For all the mood reading and body language she'd had to learn over the years, she felt she should have been able to pick up what was going on with him. But this was different. There had been no aggression. No fist to try and side step. Becky shuddered in a breath.

She hadn't trusted him and because she hadn't understood him properly she had planted one of her father's traits on him. How was she ever going to look him in the eye again? Becky mulled it over in her mind. Rob hadn't given up on her. She could fix this but she needed to give him something to stop him from worrying about her. What though? A brief basics of her life, because the rest was so heavy and full of bosh. All utter crap, which Becky wanted left in the gutter where it belonged, so it could be washed away and disappear one day.

Becky let go of his shirt and ran her hand up his chest and around his neck. She buried her face against his throat and pressed her lips to his warm skin. She felt his hand run down her back to cup her backside so he could lift her a little and shuffle her body more comfortably against his.

"I'm sorry." Becky lifted her head to kiss his earlobe. She couldn't look at him so kissed his neck again. "I'm so sorry."

Rob didn't care about verbal sorry's. She'd said sorry already in the way she had clung to him. It was over and done with the moment Becky had snuggled against him. Rob lifted her face and put his lips on hers. She was so soft and warm. Her body melded with his perfectly.

He moved away from the tree trunk and lay on his back with Becky curled up against him. Rob swept her hair back as he kissed her, and then rolled on his side so she faced him. He slowly pulled his lips away and tilted her face so he could look at her but she kept her focus on his mouth.

"Becky." Rob wanted her beautiful blue eyes to look at him. When they did, he could see so much pain and sorrow, which he didn't know how to fix. Rob drew in a breath and put his lips on hers again. He wasn't going to ask. Not one more question. Her secrets were hers to keep until she was ready. He dragged his lips from hers and cupped her head against his chest.

"My father's a drug addict," Becky whispered. She sighed against Rob's shirt. He was the best thing to ever happen to her. She hoped her words wouldn't push him away but they had to be said so she continued, "A big drug addict. If he's taken crack he's aggressive and if I don't read him right he hits me. It's not a big deal anymore." Becky paused and took a breath. "At least not to me. Most times, I get the signs right but I worry about Linc. That's why I try to keep him with me as much as I can."

She looked up at Rob and put her fingers on his mouth. "I'm sorry I read you wrong. My father has a record. It's more than likely your father has read it. Because of that I..."

"Becky. I get it. I shouldn't have tried to pry, but seeing your face bruised...I...I don't want him to hit you again. I worry he'll hurt you. Really hurt you."

"Please don't." Becky pressed her finger on his lips. "It's been the same for as long as I can remember. I'm good at reading the situation. It's just now and then I get it wrong. I'm okay. I promise." She gave him a sad smile. "It'll be over soon. When school finishes I'm leaving. I'm taking Linc with me and we'll be shot of it."

"Where? How? Have you got family to go to?"

"No." Becky tittered. "Look who's letting the future worry them now." She grinned and flipped his lip. "I'll let future Becky worry about that. I'll have money because I'm saving. I'll take Linc to Brisbane. Get a job."

"'re going to university with me." Rob flipped her lip. "We'll share a place."

"I can't afford Uni, Rob and we are not your responsibility."

"You'll do it with Hecs. The debt gets paid off later when you've finished your degree." Rob knew she was about to protest so he shook his head. "You're going to Uni, Becky, even if I have to drag you. You're too smart not to. I won't let you waste what you have up here." He tapped her head.

"There you go again." Becky smiled at him. "Being pushy. To get your own way."

"Not as pushy as I want to be." Rob tickled her then pinned her wrists to the ground. He blew a raspberry on her neck, nudged her knees apart, let his weight fall on her, and pushed his hips against hers. "This is pushy, Becky Bridgestone."

Becky giggled. "You're being a bully."

"Never." Rob let go of one wrist, lifted his weight and ran his hand under her back, gripped her bum and lifted her hips higher. He laughed when he saw the look on her face as she felt him hard against her.

"Are you always going to push and poke that thing at me?"

"Yes." Rob chuckled. "So you better get used to it."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

This book or any portion thereof  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Some places are real. All characters and incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

Thank you all. ♥♥♥

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