Chapter Four

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Rob pushed the café door opened. Three booths were packed with kids from Kalara High. Drew held his hand up. Rob quickly searched for Lizzy before deciding where to sit. She was seated with Tess and Shauna at the next table but it was full. He'd have to sit with Drew. Fuck. Red and Black Cat were sitting at the same booth. Black Cat up against the window, then Red, and Drew beside her on the aisle.

Scott Masters was sitting directly across from Black Cat. Rob slid onto the bench next to Scott. Red beamed at him. Though he knew their names, he couldn't as yet think of them in any other way but Red and Black.

"Well...hello there." Trin smiled. She held out her hand. "We didn't get off on the right foot yesterday. "I'm Trin and this is Becky."

Rob jerked his head but ignored the handshake. He glanced at Becky. She kept her eyes focused on her straw sucking the liquid into her mouth. She didn't even flick her eyes at him. Why the fuck was she covered in make-up? It made her look like shit.

"So...are you going to tell us your name today?" Trin cooed.

"Really?" Rob laughed and shook his head. He leaned against the back of the seat, his hands clasped together, resting on the edge of the table and focused on Trin. "I'm pretty sure you'd know my name by now, since I'm in most of Black Cat's classes where the roll is called every lesson." He glanced from one girl to the other, yanked his head toward Becky, and then added, "Unless her IQ's on the low side." Rob swept a look at Becky and caught her glaring at him so, he laughed some more.

Scott banged his hand on the table and hollered, "Black Cat. Shit you're good, man." He caught the look on Becky's face, shrugged and smirked. "Well. Come on, Becky. You gotta admit it suits you perfectly. Black hair. Long nails. Sharp tongue."

"Fuck up, Scott!"

"Oh...yeah...and there's the hiss," Rob scoffed and watched her turn on him.

"I don't give a fuck what you think of me so, how about you go and jerk off at another table."

Rob studied her face. Something wasn't right. He looked back at her eyes. She had make-up on because something was going on with her far cheek. He glanced back at it. She turned her head to look out of the window.

"I'll jerk off here thanks," Rob jeered. "From what I've heard you're the girl to se..."

"I'll help you jerk off." Trin lunged and grabbed his hand with a beaming smile on her face.

Drew and Scott roared with laughter. 

Rob chuckled as he pulled his hand from Trin's grasp. She was quick enough to pick up that he was going to drop a demeaning bombshell. He had to respect her for putting a stop to it. Not a good move on his side and he'd have to watch his mouth in future. Especially where Becky Bridgestone was concerned. "Thanks, Trin." He gave her a look hoping she understood what he was thanking her for, and then laughed as he said, "I'll keep that offer in mind." He slid off the seat and looked from Scott to Drew. "Have you guys ordered?"

"Yeah, mate."

When Rob sat back down with his burger and hot chips, Greg slipped in beside him. Rob considered moving to Lizzy's table since Greg's move had made a space but thought that might have made his intentions too obvious. He looked over at her. She was smiling at him so he beamed back at her. The conversation at his table turned to hockey. While he talked he kept looking at Lizzy.

"Oi." Greg elbowed him.

"What?" Rob jerked away and gave Greg a questioning look.

"How about you keep your focus on this table."

"Sorry." Rob smirked, looked at each face and caught Becky's eye. His half laugh jammed in his throat. Man...she had stunning eyes. Something was going on there. Her eyes didn't mimic what the rest of her face was saying. He brushed those thoughts aside and turned up his nose as he said, "There's better things to look at, over at the next table." Rob gave Greg a shove. "I'm done talking about hockey today." He laughed again. "Got me some other interests to take care of."

Greg stood up and tittered. "Well fuck you, man. We're glad to know you're a team player."

"Good luck with it." Drew smirked and fist punched Rob as he moved to Lizzy's table.

Shorty took Rob's place so the hockey talk continued.


Becky felt like crying. Fuck him. She knew he'd studied her face. He'd given her a couple of weird looks through the day but she'd stayed well away from him. He hadn't stopped looking at Lizzy the whole time he'd been sitting at this table. She took another small sip of her drink. He had been going to make a degrading comment about her and jerking off. Thank God for Trin. Becky looked at her friend. She was the only one who knew anything about her. Well, that wasn't completely true. Drew knew some things.

She wanted to go curl up and cry somewhere but that wasn't her thing. At least it had never been her thing until Jarvis the jerk with his fucking perceptive sparkling eyes had come on the scene. Becky couldn't understand how he'd turned her into a blubbering wimp in just twenty-four hours. She wished she'd never gone near him yesterday because now her whole year was going to be ruined.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.
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