Chapter Nineteen

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Becky made her way to work on Sunday. She hoped Rob wasn't on the same shift because she didn't know what to say or do. Best to ignore him.

He was there of course. She sat with Jan in her break hoping he wouldn't come into the staff room.

"What's up with you?" Jan peered at her from across the table. "You look sick."

"Yeah." Becky grinned. "I went to a party last night." She brightened her expression, chuckled and waved her hand in front of her face. "It was so...much fun."

"Ah... why didn't you take me? You're always going to parties." Jan pouted. Her eyes lit up. "Was Rob there? Did you hook up?"

"Jan... ugh! You know I hate him." Becky laughed. "I hooked up though."

Jan's eyes widened as she flung forward to lean on the table with her forearms. "Who with?"

Becky winked and laughed some more. "Not telling names but, a boy from my school." She cocked her head and screwed up her face. "You wouldn't know him anyway." Becky twisted sideways on her chair and bent to tie her shoelace. A pair of size elevens stepped in front of her. She looked up.

"You and I need to talk."

Why couldn't he just leave her alone? She ignored him, sat up, turned to the front, and took a mouthful from her water bottle.


She stood up taking her bottle with her and turned up her nose at him. "Don't you mean Lizzy?" Becky moved off leaving Rob looking after her.

"Hi, Rob." Jan beamed and waved her hand as she jiggled on her seat.

Rob sighed. "Hi." He followed Becky out through the door. She was talking to a customer. He let out another breath and headed back to the paint counter.

At the end of his shift, Rob waited in his car. Becky had started an hour after him so he figured she'd finish an hour later. He knew he'd stuffed up the night before. He hadn't intended to kiss her. Had only wanted to stop her from being used by Jones and had wanted to talk to her about Linc.

Rob sighed as he thought about how the night had ended. He'd made the biggest prick of himself two days in a row but, calling her Lizzy was probably a hanging offense. Rob moved the car seat back, slid down, closed his eyes, and rested his head against the vinyl. He couldn't help smiling. Becky Bridgestone's body felt so good against his. When she'd kissed him and put her arms around his neck and her hands in his hair he'd wanted so much more. Rob felt his penis jerk. He laughed and pushed his palm against it.

What was he going to do about her? She already hated him but now she must loathe him. First things first. He had to get Linc sorted.

He watched her come out of the store and walk across the car park towards the bus stop. Rob jumped out of his car and ran after her. When he caught up with her, he took hold of her hand to stop her from walking. "I need to talk to you."

She jerked her hand away and peered at him. "Can you please leave me alone?"

"I'm sorry." Rob felt like a stalker. He put his hands on his hips. "Look I'm really sorry I did that to you last night and I'm sorry I said that shit on Friday."

"Okay, now leave me alone." Becky went to step around him. Her bus pulled up. He grabbed her upper arm. She tried to shake it off as she snapped, "You're going to make me miss my bus."

"I'll drive you home."

Becky pushed at his hand and drew her arm from his hold. "I'd rather catch the bus." She took a step toward it. He grabbed her again.

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