Chapter Thirty-Two

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When Friday came, Becky was furious. Rob was sitting next to Drew. She would love to know what he'd said to Mr. Campbell to convince him to let him change seats. She was so burred up, the first lesson of the double, was a waste of time. By the bell, she hadn't picked up one thing. She held up her hand.

"Yes, Becky." Steve smiled and wondered if the girl had any idea what she'd been doing to Rob Jarvis.

"I need the loo, sir."

"Okay. Away you go."

Becky washed her face and sat on the toilet with the lid down. This was going to make things so much harder this afternoon when they were working with Linc. She knew she wasn't going to be able to pretend she wasn't angry. Becky tried to talk herself into believing it was better that he'd moved then she wouldn't have to have any contact with him other than when they were with Linc.


Rob watched Becky get into the pool. She was wearing bikini bottoms with her sun shirt. He had to turn away. It was because of these same clothes he had decided to ask to be moved in maths.

Tuesday's session with Linc had been extra hard. When she'd turned up in the bikini bottoms he'd regretted asking her to bring her togs and help with the game. How was he to know she wouldn't be wearing her swim shorts.

He could tell she was angry. Every time she threw the ball at him, it nearly hit him in the head and the tone in her voice was like the slash of a knife.

"Rob. I need to pee." Linc jiggled in the water.

"You'll have to go around to C block. These toilets are locked." Rob sighed. This was going to be interesting. With Linc gone the tension was going to double.

"Okay." Linc climbed out of the pool and trotted off.

Becky folded her arms and glared at him.

Rob shrugged. "What?"

"Really." Becky almost laughed. "It should be me saying what. What the fuck?" She was so angry she didn't wait for him to answer. "Maybe we should just forget about doing this with Linc. If you can't sit next to me in maths how the hell can you stand being near me here."

"Becky. Mr. Campbell moved me. I have no control over him and what's it matter with it,  you don't talk to me anyway?"

"Don't you dare lie!" Becky put her hands on her hips and thrust her face forward. "I heard you! I heard you ask him to move you!"

Rob sucked back a breath. He moved toward her. "What else did you hear?"

"So! Was there more? I suppose you spun a lot of bullshit about what a bitch I am. I told you we weren't best buddies. We talked about this at the public pool. It's not my fault if you took it wrong." She huffed. "I don't care what else you said. I'm glad he moved you because you can't bloody sit still anyway and you are so irritating with your leg moving up and down all the time so I'm hap..."

Rob grabbed her around the waist and jerked her hard against him. "Stop." He pressed her up against the wall of the pool and held her stare. Man. She felt so good. "You gotta stop, Becky. You have no idea." Rob put his hand on her backside and lifted her.

"What are you doing?" Becky put her hands on his chest and tried to shove him back. Her mouth went dry.

"I asked to be moved because I can't sit next to you without getting an erection." Rob shrugged. "I'm going to fail maths." He grinned. "You piss me off so much but I can't help it." He drew her closer so she could feel how hard he was.

Becky gasped and tried to push him away again.

Rob sighed and ran his hand over her backside. "I want to finish what I started at Scott's party."

"No you don't." Becky froze. She felt the pressure of him against her. She sucked in a breath and grabbed at his hand to stop its movement. "You thought I was Lizzy."

"How could I think you were Lizzy?" Rob smiled, remove his hand from her bottom and used it to push her hair behind her ear. "You're nothing like Lizzy. I know you're not going to believe me but I knew who I was with the whole time and I have no fucking idea why I said Lizzy's name but it wasn't her I was thinking of and it's not her I'm thinking about now and it certainly isn't her I think about when I'm in maths beside you. Becky I want to be wi..."

"I'm back." Linc bomb dived into the pool.

Rob chuckled and hung his head.

Becky forced him away and turned her back on them. "I have to get changed." She climbed up the ladder and bit her lip as she looked back at Rob. "Linc. We've got to go."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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