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los angeles, california.

the place jocelyn has always dreamed of being and she was finally here.

she was able to quickly receive her suitcases, people gave her strange looks because of how large her suitcases were but she didn't mind.

she had already ordered an uber. she was outside, waiting for it to arrive.

she got a notification, telling her it's here and she followed where the map showed.

after a few minutes of searching, she finally found it and immediately apologized to the driver but they didn't mind.

she was excited to go to her apartment. it was already furnished so she was glad she didn't have to buy any furniture.

she still needed things like kitchen supplies, things for the bathroom and maybe a tv.

soon enough, she arrived and got her bags, walking into the building with a smile on her face.

"jocelyn?" an older woman asked as she watched her enter.

jocelyn nodded and made her way towards her.

"emily. it's great to meet you. we spoke on the phone." the women tells her, smiling as they shake hands.

"it's good to meet you as well." jocelyn replies politely, her smile not once leaving her face.

emily tells her where her apartment is and explains to her everything about the building.

"if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me. you have my number." emily tells her, smiling.

jocelyn nodded and holds her two sets of keys in her hand as she walks into the elevator with her two large suitcases and medium sized backpack.

she felt worried for a second but soon calmed down when she realized she had transferred her money to a closer bank.

she also remembered she had her license and credit card in her bag.

she traveled to the tenth floor where her room was and walked down the hall to quickly find her apartment.

she took a deep breath and unlocked the door, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in a while.

as she walked in, she was excited. it was beautiful and perfect for her.

it was so modern and somewhat plain but exquisite as jocelyn would say.

she quickly went to her room after looking around and placed her suitcases beside her bed which had no sheets or anything.

it was early in the morning due to the time change it would be eleven in north carolina while it's eight here.

she decided she should go get some things for her apartment.

she opened her uber app and typed in ikea finding one somewhat near where she was.

she took a small bag out of her larger bag and placed her credit card, license along with her keys in as she headed downstairs.

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