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jocelyn woke up excited for what today may bring.

she was going golfing with the boys and their friend logan which she was looking forward to.

it was around 10 and she wasn't leaving until twelve when the boys picked her up.

so as usual, she headed to the gym bringing along a water bottle, stopping to say hello to emily.

today was going by quickly for her, her workout flew by.

she quickly got home, made breakfast and ate it on the balcony, listening to music from her earbuds.

by now, it was almost 11:30 and she wanted to get ready. she wanted to look good.

jocelyn was never the type of girl who cared about how good she looked, especially for a boy.

but for some reason, she wanted to look good, for daniel.

she quickly showered and did light makeup which she didn't think she needed that much.

she was excited to see daniel, she always is.

she was a little nervous though. she was meeting their friend logan today.

she was excited that she was finally making friends, she was happier than she's ever been.

just at that moment she smiled when there was a knock on her door.

she quickly threw on her shoes, ran to the door and opened it to see daniel.

"hey!" he smiled, giving her a hug as his heart speed up when they touched and her heart doing the same.

"you ready to go?" daniel asks, smiling at the blue eyed girl.

jocelyn smiled up at him, looking into the boys eyes to see excitement.

"let me grab my phone and stuff and we can head out." jocelyn smiled as she ran to her kitchen to grab anything she may need and then walked back to where daniel was.

"so logan is pretty straight forward and weird, i just wanted to warn you." daniel said, laughing.

jocelyn smiled at the sight and nodded as they head downstairs.

as they got outside, she saw the boys in the car with their heads hanging out the windows and them singing their own songs, loudly.

she laughed as her and daniel got in the car.

"hey jocelyn!" jack smiled.

she smiled in return and said a small "hi."

"dang girl! you're looking good!" zach yelled.

a slight blush appeared on her face as she looked down and then at daniel, who was already looking at her.

"so, where's this place at?" she asked.

"it's like five minutes away.. logans already there waiting for us." corbyn tells her.

jocelyn nods as she looks at her phone and sighs. her parents still haven't made any attempt to contact her.

it shouldn't bother her, they never cared. but she moved across the country, and not one call. not one worry about her. and that hurt.

"you okay?" daniel whispered in her ear as they were parking.

"i'm good." she whispered back.

daniel and jocelyn smiled at each other. the boys could see they had a small crush on one another, but didn't bother to mention it.

once they found a parking spot, they quickly got out of the car, running inside to see logan.

jocelyn was nervous, considering she was never good at making friends.

"you seem nervous..?" daniel says, somewhat confused.

jocelyn looked at him, her blue eyes meeting with his own. she fought with herself mentally, not knowing what she should say.

just be honest. she tells herself.

"i've never been that good at making friends. i've never really had friends, to be honest." she admits.

"god, that makes me sound like such a loser." she mutters.

"no it doesn't, joce. and trust me, you're anything but a loser." daniel says, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"plus you're friends with me now. so that makes you a winner!" he jokes.

jocelyn laughs and jokingly rolls her eyes as she hesitantly leans onto him.

her and daniel start walking further inside as he looks down at her.

this girl is something else.. he thought, smiling to himself.

once they fully entered, jocelyn saw a taller boy, standing along with everyone else.

"you were taking so long. we were starting to think you were kidnapped." zach joked.

daniel and jocelyn laugh a little as they looked at eachother.

"so this is jocelyn!?" logan asks, somewhat excited.

jocelyn flinches at the loudness in his voice and daniel seems to be the only one to notice.

he tightens his arm around her shoulder, letting her know that everything fine.

jocelyn smiles at the gesture and at logan, trying to be polite.

"you must be logan." she said, with a confidence in her voice that surprised daniel.

"that i am." logan laughed, vlogging.

"so jocelyn, are you a logangster?"

"what's that?"

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