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last night, both daniel and jocelyn had an amazing time.

daniel liked the girl. everything about her was interesting.

jocelyn was glad to finally not be alone and to have people who will be there for her and who she can talk to.

that wasn't something she was familiar with.

today though, jocelyn had no plans.

although, she was on her way to the gym, excited to tell emily all about her day with daniel yesterday.

emily is like a mother figure to her and for emily, jocelyn is like her daughter which she loves.

emily wasn't able to have children and sadly, she couldn't afford to adopt or anything else.

her husband was sick, he wouldn't be around for too much longer. maybe a few more months.

emily was so afraid of being alone and became so thankful when jocelyn had came into her life and started keeping her company.

jocelyn headed downstairs in the elevator. she had a water bottle, her headphones and phone.

as soon as she exited the elevator and saw emily she smiled.

"good morning emily!" she smiled.

"good morning jocelyn! i see you and that boy we're together yesterday." emily said to the girl who's eyes lit up and smile grew at the mention of daniel.

"his names daniel. we met in ikea the first day i was here. we went to the grove, walked around hollywood boulevard and then went to BOA for dinner." jocelyn explained, her smile never leaving her face and that light in her eyes never disappearing.

emily could tell jocelyn really liked daniel but also realized jocelyn wasn't aware.

"that sounds like a lot of fun. what's he like?"

"well, he's really sweet and funny. he likes to joke around and isn't afraid to be himself at all. he's very cute and something about him makes me happy."

emily smiled at the girl as she spoke. but it only makes her wonder.

sometimes, the people with the biggest smiles and the brightest personalities are the ones hurting the most.

emily couldn't help but worry about her. she knew she came here all alone, never once did she mention her parents or why she came alone.

and she wanted to ask, she wanted to help. but anyone who's hurting, sometimes has trouble trusting.

she wanted jocelyn to tell her when she was comfortable so she decided not to bring it up, not to ask and just wait.

"it was good speaking to you. i should head to the gym now. bye emily!" jocelyn smiled as she waved and walked towards the gym as emily called out a 'bye' behind her.

jocelyn on the other hand could tell emily was thinking about something yet she didn't know what.

'could it be about me?' is all she asked herself but brushed it off to think about something else.

as she was running on the treadmill, she thought about her parents who haven't called once.

they never attempted to contact jocelyn which hurt her.

'maybe they never cared in the first place...'

with her thoughts, her happy mood instantly changed and she started working harder at the gym trying to relieve the stress.

she didn't know how to get her parents out of her mind so she thought about daniel.

his bright smile and his gorgeous eyes along with his amazing personality and talent voice.

he was so much while jocelyn was... well, nothing.

daniel had went home the night before and told the guys a little bit of how their day went.

the guys could tell daniel had a thing for this girl and daniel could tell too.

he didn't want to move so fast. he wanted to get to know everything about her.

every good thing, every bad thing. he didn't care, he was so intrigued by this girl and had a strong liking for her that it didn't matter.

but jocelyn, she wanted him to know nothing.

she wanted a fresh start.

he wasn't able to tell that the light in her eyes when she's with him wasn't always there though.

how could he? he knows nothing about her except for some small things.

he knows she's an only child, how her favorite color is yellow. he remembers that she always had a passion for drawing and that's one thing they had in common.

they both loved to draw.

it was something that got jocelyn away from all the bad things and helped her imagine some good ones.

as jocelyn headed back up from the gym, she quickly showered and ate her breakfast and decided to draw.

she didn't know what it would be, she just started drawing.

and thirty minutes later, she realized she had drawn daniel and couldn't help but blush and feel embarrassed at the fact she did that so... she threw it away.

she sighed and her phone started to ring.

as soon as she saw it was daniel, her heart speed up and she became nervous.


"hey jocelyn, i was wondering if you'd want to go to a golfing place with the boys and our friend logan tomorrow?"

jocelyn thought for a minute, she never played golf much, but she was good and she knew that.

"i'd love too. what time?"

daniel instantly smiled and grew excited for her to be with him tomorrow and he prayed the boys wouldn't say anything.

"the guys and i will pick you up around 12 tomorrow. is that okay?"

"that's perfect. i'll see you tomorrow daniel."

"can't wait. bye jocelyn."

"bye daniel."

as the hung up, both couldn't help but become excited and happy about tomorrow.

jocelyn had finally felt like she belonged somewhere.

as of right now, jocelyn was happy.

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