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jocelyn just got out of the uber, standing in front of emily and davids house.

it was beautiful.

she walked up to the door, knocking and taking a deep breath.

"why am i nervous?" she questions herself aloud.

"jocelyn!" emily says cheerfully.

jocelyn smiles, hugging her and walking in.

"you have a beautiful home." jocelyn says truthfully, smiling at how much it felt like a home.

"thank you." emily said smiling. "david just set the table, and the foods ready i believe."

"oh was i late? i'm sorry."

"no honey, it had just finished a few minutes before you arrived." emily assures her.

jocelyn nods as emily leads her into the kitchen.

as they enter she sees david, who doesn't notice them at first.

"david, this is jocelyn. jocelyn, this is my husband david." emily says.

david looks up and his eyes brighten at the girl who made his wife a hundred times happier.

"it's so good to meet you." david smiles, giving her a hug.

jocelyns smile widens as she hugs him.

she was beyond thankful that she felt like she had a family. although she didn't know david that well, emily spoke about him all the time.

"it's so good to meet you too! emily talks about you all the time." jocelyn says.

"she talks about you too, all good things." david says, giving her a warm smile.

the three of them ate, getting to know each other more.

thirty minutes after eating, david and emily told her stories about when they were younger and times with their friends.

jocelyns cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing to much.

thank you, god, for giving me emily and david. i finally have a family. she thought to herself.

about two hours later, around nine o' clock, conversations and story-telling died down and jocelyn decided to head home.

"thank you so much for dinner." jocelyn says.

"you're family." emily says, smiling as she hugs her.

"i know. i'm so thankful to have you, to have you both." she says, looking at david.

"i'll walk you out." he says, smiling.

emily and jocelyn said their final goodbye for the night and david walked her out.

her uber was still a few minutes away so he waited outside with her.

"thank you." david spoke up.

"for what?" jocelyn asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"emily was heartbroken, when she found out she couldn't have kids. and when you came along, she became so much happier. she finally feels like she has a daughter and that means the world to her while she means the world to me. i will forever be thankful for you being in her life." he explained.

"thank you to you two too. i feel like i have a family who actually cares for me and loves me. you both deserve the world. if me being here can make you both happy, i'll always be here."

"you deserve the world too, jocelyn. don't settle for any less. thank you, be safe. goodnight." he says as the uber pulls up, giving her a hug.

"goodnight!" she says, getting into the uber.

she gets home quickly and makes her way upstairs, happy.

as she enters her apartment, she immediately removes her makeup and jumps on her bed, face timing daniel.

after a few rings his face pops up on her screen.

"why hello there, how was dinner?"

they talk for an hour or two, she talks about dinner and how happy she feels and then talk about random things.

her eyelids start to get heavy as she's still speaking to daniel.

"are you still in your clothes?" daniel asks her.

"yeah, but i'm tired i don't feel like changing." she says tiredly.

daniel sighs but smiles at the sight of her falling asleep.

"should i hang up?" daniel asks.

jocelyn opens her eyes, not wanting him to hang up.

"i'm awake."

"you're exhausted, go to sleep jocelyn, i'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

"fine," she sighs. "goodnight danny."

"goodnight gorgeous." he says softly, hanging up, and smiling.

"i'm so glad you guys are going on a date tomorrow. you're so in love." jack exaggerates.

"no i'm not." yes i am.

"yes you are."

"maybe you're right." daniel says as if it's no big deal, shrugging.

the boys look at him, wide eyes as daniel scrolls threw his phone.


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