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daniel and jocelyn had just arrived at the zoo.

at first daniel didn't think she'd like the idea, but was proven wrong when she literally screamed of excitement when they arrived.

the uber driver had quickly stepped on the breaks and jocelyn apologized, feeling embarrassed while daniel laughed.

"i didn't think you'd like the idea that much." daniel admits as they walk in.

"i love the zoo." she tells him, emphasizing the word 'love'.

daniel smiled at how adorable she was being.

he was happy she actually liked the date idea.

they looked at all of the animals, also feeding some.

daniel had saved her favorite for last; the giraffes.

he got his snapchat out, ready to record her excitement.

he started recording a second before her eyes found the giraffes and she squealed with excitement, almost sprinting up to them.

"okay, i didn't think you liked giraffes that much."

"love." she corrected him in a sing-song voice.

daniel shook his head , smiling as he watched the girl watch the giraffes intently.

he went to his camera and took a few pictures of her on his phone, smiling as he did so.

"i love giraffes." she says, sighing contently.

"i see that." daniel laughed.

minutes later, they decide to head out.

"we can go to my apartment and watch movies?" she suggests, hopefully.

"sounds great."

they ordered an uber, and headed back to her apartment.

"we could postmates some food?" daniel suggests as jocelyn finds a movie on netflix.

"okay." she smiles, nodding.

daniel sits besides her and they try deciding what they want to eat. soon, they settle for something they both like.

"are you okay with watching moana?" jocelyn asks, not looking away from the tv.

daniel nods and smiles as they both lean back and jocelyn starts the movie.

whenever a song would play, jocelyn would sing along softly and daniel couldn't find himself looking away from her.

they both jumped when there was a knock on the apartment door. daniel got up and opened it, seeing emily on the other side.

"oh daniel, i'm emily. it's great to finally meet you." emily smiled.

"it's great to meet you too. jocelyn tells me a lot about you and david." daniel tells her.

"your food was delivered, i thought i'd just bring it up." emily said kindly.

"oh emily, everything okay?" jocelyn asks, smiling as she walks up to the door.

"everything's fine. just bringing you your food."

"thank you." jocelyn said giving her a warm smile.

"okay, well i'll go. talk to you soon. love you." emily says, walking away from the door.

"love you!" jocelyn calls out, closing her door to look at daniel who's smiling.

"what?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"you're happy."

jocelyn looks down and smiles.

she is happy. she's more than happy.

"of course i am. i have emily and david, and the boys." she says.

daniel feels his heart drop a little as he doesn't mention him. doesn't she know she has me?

"and i have you," she adds, looking away as if she's picturing something, "i'm so glad that i have you."

daniel's heart speeds up.

"i can say the same."

all my love ∣ daniel seavey Where stories live. Discover now