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jocelyn made her way into the hospital, worried for the man she considered her father.

"david weathers." she said to the women at the front desk.

she gave jocelyn and daniel a sympathetic look that only made them worry more before saying, "room 231."

daniel and jocelyn quickly made their way there. as they entered the room, she saw emily, crying more than she's ever seen another human being cry.

"jocelyn." emily cried out, bringing the girl who quickly became the closest thing to a daughter into a hug.

jocelyn looked at him, she didn't hear the beeping of the heart monitor which only lead her to believe one thing.

"is he-?" she choked, looking at emily with tear filled eyes.

"he's gone, baby." emily cried.

jocelyns heart broke. for the past three months, he's been a father figure to her.

jocelyns heart felt heavy as tears fell from her eyes quickly.

daniel felt his heart break for the two. he knew how much david meant to jocelyn. and he could tell how much he meant to emily.

as jocelyn made her way towards the bed, she grabbed davids hand.

"i love you. so much david. i promise you, i'll look out for emily. maybe not by blood, but you're my father. you're my family. i love you." she cried out.

daniel noticed her legs starting to give out and quickly made his way to her and caught her as she collapsed.

"i'll keep mom safe." she said, still speaking to david.

"i love you." she said again, not wanting to let go of his hand.

daniel did his best to calm her down, running his fingers through her hair, kissing her forehead and whispering calming things in her ear.

emily's crying had stopped, she felt like she ran out of tears.

watching the two from across the room, made her heart break even more, reminding herself of her and david.

god, i can't live without him. take me too. i need to be with him. emily spoke in her mind, silently begging.

an hour later, jocelyn had fell asleep in daniels arms.

emily had been staring at davids dead body in that time.

"i'm sorry, we're going to have to ask you to leave." the nurse spoke, walking into the room.

emily quickly nodded and daniel woke jocelyn up to tell her it's time to go.

the three of them made their way outside of the hospital.

jocelyn had fallen asleep again, so daniel just settled for carrying her.

before leaving to go to her car, emily kissed jocelyns forehead.

"goodbye sweetheart. i love you and i'm beyond thankful for you." she said softly, kissing her forehead once more.

daniel watched the interaction confused.

"daniel, can you promise me something?" emily asked, looking from her daughter to the boy.

"anything." daniel confirmed, nodding.

"promise me that no matter what. if you two don't work out, if you separate or even move across the world, that you'll always protect her and watch after her for me."

"i don't understand." daniel said, confused.

"promise me." emily spoke sternly, tears in her eyes.

daniel nodded quickly. "i promise."

"promise me that you'll always love her. that you will never intentionally hurt her. that you'll make her feel like the only girl in the world. promise me that you'll make her happy and give her the world and all she deserves." emily said desperately, tears slowly falling down her face.

"emily, i-" daniel started but she cut him off.

"please." she begged, closing her eyes, voice cracking.

"i promise you. i will love her unconditionally and i'll give her the world, she deserves it." the blue eyed boy spoke.

"tell her i love her more than life itself and she's everything i've ever wanted in a daughter." emily said, voice barley above a whisper.

"wait- are you-?" daniel tried speaking again, but was cut off once more.

"i love you, daniel. i'm so thankful that you've made my daughter happy. " emily said, before walking away and into her car.

daniel felt unsteady but wanted to bring jocelyn home,

so that's what he did.

all my love ∣ daniel seavey Where stories live. Discover now