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it was the next morning.

her meeting with melissa went amazing.

she's now a model.

she starts in a month.

today, she was going to the beach with the boys and then they were going out to dinner.

she was glad that she'd be getting closer with them.

the guys were coming to get her in two hours and she wanted to go to the gym first.

so, she got dressed, grabbed a water and made her way downstairs.

"jocelyn!" emily called as she was walking into the gym.

"good morning emily." jocelyn smiled.

"how was your date with daniel? i meant to ask sooner but i've been busy." emily said.

jocelyn smiled at the thought.

"it was great, we went to the zoo and then watched movies. today, we're going to the beach with his friends. he's perfect, emily." jocelyn says, sighing contently.

"i'm glad you're happy. david misses you, he wants you to come out to dinner with us tomorrow."

"i'd love too." jocelyn smiles.

"great, we'll take you. i'll text you the time." emily says happily.

jocelyn nods and gives her one last smile before making her way to the gym.

"so daniel, when are you going to ask jocelyn to be your girlfriend?" zach asks the boy, eating his chips.

"not anytime soon." daniel mumbles.

"what? why?" corbyn asks him, sitting up.

"we just met corbyn." daniel says, annoyed.

"so? it's obvious you both really like each other." corbyn replies.

daniel sighs and rubs his eyes.

why am i so scared? daniel asks himself.

"at least ask her on another date while we're at the beach." jack says, rolling his eyes.

"oooou have you kissed her?" jonah asks.

"you guys are acting like teenage girls." daniel replies, not wanting to answer.

"you haven't? what're you waiting for!?" jonah yells, throwing his hands up.

"you guys are so annoying." he groans once more, rolling his eyes.

"you're annoying." jonah snaps playfully.

daniel laughs a little and rolls his eyes. maybe i will ask her on a second date. he thinks.

about an hour later, jocelyn made her way back up to her apartment. she had about an hour to get ready, so she quickly eats and then does so.

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