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yesterday, jocelyn had an amazing day with the boys, with daniel.

she was glad she got to know them all better, that their friendships grew into somewhat strong bonds.

tonight, she was going out to dinner with david and emily.

the past week, she has spoke to them and did stuff with them every so often.

emily didn't expect her to call her mom, but she wouldn't deny that that would make her beyond happy.

david was thankful his wife was happy. he was thankful for god bringing jocelyn into their lives.

they were picking her up at around five thirty and it was around 4.

jocelyn had went to the gym this morning, and just cleaned up her apartment, not doing much all day.

while she was getting ready, emily called.

"hello?" jocelyn answered, putting the call on speaker phone while finishing her makeup.

"i was wondering if you'd be okay with inviting daniel, if he's able to make it, that is." emily said.

jocelyn thought for a moment and then nodded to herself.

"i'll call him and ask and then text you to let you know." jocelyn says.

"okay see you soon sweets. love you." emily told her, smiling.

"love you m-" jocelyn started, but quickly cut herself off, hanging up.

"did i almost call her mom?" she asked herself, looking in the mirror and shaking her head, face timing daniel.

as his face popped up on the screen, jocelyn smiled as butterflies filled her stomach.

"hey!" daniel yelled over the phone.

"hey gorgeous." she joked, winking at him.

"shouldn't that be my line?" daniel asked her, laughing as his heard sped up.

jocelyn shrugged, her smile not leaving her face.

"emily wanted me to invite you to dinner with us, if you're free. you don't have to come though.." jocelyn explained, coating mascara on her eyelashes as daniel watched her through the screen.

"i'd love too. should i head there? or meet you at the restaurant?" daniel asked, putting his shoes on.

jocelyn checked the time before answering. "well it's only four thirty two. come over here, they'll pick us up."

"i'll be there soon, angel." daniel said, using the nickname he's been calling her lately.

jocelyn smiled as he hung up.

"damn, i love you." she said softly, surprising herself.

daniel showed up about twenty minutes later, walking into her apartment without knocking as jocelyn screamed.

"joce!?" daniel yelled, worriedly.

"i thought you were a stranger breaking in!" she says as if she were out of breath, her hand over her chest.

daniel chuckled before rolling his eyes playfully and hugging her.

"i'm sorry." he said, kissing her head.

jocelyn blushed as he did so, her heart speeding up.

"so where are we going for dinner?" daniel asks her, sitting at her counter.

"i'm not sure of the name, but they should be picking us up in about ten minutes." she says, looking at him. "thank you for coming."

daniel smiles at her and nods.

he knew david and emily saw her as a daughter. and he also knew they both were aware there was something going on between them.

emily and david were making their way to the apartment building.

"i'm glad i get to meet him." david says to his wife, taking a right.

"she really loves the boy, david." emily says, smiling at the thought of the closest thing she's had to a daughter being in love.

"she loves him? didn't she meet him about three weeks ago?" david asks, somewhat confused.

"time means nothing. i fell in love with you after about a month of us going on continuous dates. and look at us now." she said, looking at her husband who also looked at her.

he smiled. "i guess you're right."

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