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that morning, daniel woke up first, checking her hand that he cleaned and bandaged last night.

jocelyn, to him, truly deserved to be happy.

although he was woken up at three a.m. he was glad she did wake him.

she shouldn't have to deal with how she was feeling alone.

he ran his fingers through her hair, asking himself how one human being could be so gorgeous, so perfect for him.

jocelyns eyes opened and she gave him a small smile.

"i'm sorry for waking you up that late." she said, frowning.

"i'm glad you did, jocelyn. i really care about you. don't even hesitate on calling me if you need me. even when you don't, and you just wanna talk." daniel told her, his thumb brushing her cheek as he smiled at her.

jocelyn embraced him in a hug, a few happy tears falling as she let out a laughs

daniel smiled as he hugged her.

as they pulled apart, they sat up.

"i have that meeting with melissa today. i'm so nervous." she said, wiping her bloodshot eyes.

"don't be nervous, everything will go great and you'll be a model!" daniel says enthusiastically.

jocelyn giggles and smiles at daniel. beyond thankful for him.

"thank you." she says, about nothing in particular.

"thank you." he says.

jocelyn laughs and rolls her eyes.

"so tomorrow, the boys want you to hangout with all of us. they say it's not fair that i've been 'hogging' you." daniel says, putting air quotes around 'hogging'.

jocelyn laughs and shakes her head.

"let me know the location and time and i'll be there." she says, smiling.

they both make their way into the kitchen, jocelyn asking him if he'd like anything.

"i'd love more than anything to stay, but the guys and i have to do stuff today. will you be okay?" daniel asks, hugging her.

"yes. thank you, daniel."

"i'll see you tomorrow, gorgeous." daniel tells her, grabbing his keys and phone and making his way to the door, leaving.

jocelyn blushes. "see you tomorrow." she whispers, once he's already gone.

all my love ∣ daniel seavey Where stories live. Discover now