twenty one.

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two days later

jocelyn and daniel were laying in bed, cuddling, kissing, the usual couple things when jocelyn received a call.

she was hoping it was emily, she hasn't spoken to her since the hospital and she was worried.

as she saw a number she wasn't familiar with she still decided to accept the call.

"is this jocelyn pierce?" the man asked.

"it is. may i ask who's speaking?"

"emily weathers was found dead last night in her home. cause of death being suicide. she put her house under your name and put all of her money in your bank accounts, being half a million dollars. there's also a letter here for you that i'd like to deliver."

jocelyn had no words. she was shocked.

trying her best to get through the conversation without completely breaking down, she gave the man her address and he told her he'd be there soon.

as the call ended, she broke.

"angel, what's wrong?" daniel asked, embracing her in a hug.

"emily, she's gone. suicide." she said.

daniel was shocked. he felt as if this was half his fault. he was concerned about her two days ago at the hospital, he knew something was up.

"jocelyn, gorgeous, i'm so sorry."

jocelyns head was pounding. she felt like the breath has been taken from her. it felt like her world was crashing down.

she must've been crying for thirty minutes in daniels arms when someone knocked on her door.

knowing who it was, she rushed to open the door, daniel following. she opened the door to see a man with a sympathetic look.

"i'm sorry for your loss." he said sadly, before handing her the letter and walking away.

jocelyn made her way into the main room, closing the door before she did so and then sitting on the couch.

she looked at her name written beautifully on the outside of the paper.

daniel watched her sadly as her shaking hands opened the letter.

"i'm right here with you, angel." he said softly, kissing her lips.

jocelyn connected their lips once more before she pulled away, opening the letter.


i will never be able to put into words how thankful i am for god bringing you to david and i. the three of us formed a rare family type bond in the three months you've been here.

i'm so beyond proud of you and all you went through and got through alone. all you've accomplished while you've been here.

david was my other half, i loved him with everything in me and more. i couldn't live without him, i can't live without him.

jocelyn, i'm so sorry that we're putting you through this.

you made the two of us more happy than we ever imagined after finding out i wasn't able to have kids.

i knew that soon, david was going to go, but it didn't feel real, and when he was gone, i couldn't do it.

i'm so glad that god gave you daniel. you deserve all the love and happiness he has given you and more.

i love you more than life itself and i'm deeply sorry i'm no longer here.

but i trust daniel and i promise you that you will always have him.

please, don't forget me. i won't forget you. and neither will david.

you're our daughter. you're family.

i'll be watching over you from
now to forever.

please love your life and be happy. do stupid things, get in trouble, don't stress too much and live in the moment. all of the things you've ever wanted to do, you should do them.

be happy, for me. be happy, for david. be happy, for daniel. and be happy, for you.

i love you my precious. always and forever.

- mom

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