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it's been about an hour.

logan and jocelyn get along great. he keeps asking her if her eyes are real, she always replies with a yes, but he isn't convinced.

the boys were joking around each time it was their turn and jocelyn swears she's never smiled or laughed more.

as she finished her turn, jack was up and her phone started to ring. she looked at it to see her mom was calling and her heart instantly sped up.

"hey- i'll be right back." she said to daniel, smiling as he nodded and turned back to the boys.

she walked slightly away from them and hesitantly answered her phone.


"jocelyn? what the hell were you thinking? you went to california!?"

jocelyn scoffed. it's only been what? three - four days?

"like you really care mom."

"excuse me? i don't know what you think you're doing, but i'm not having it!"

"i'm happy here mom! why would i stay there? there's nothing for me! you and dad never even speak to me and if you do, it's only because you have too! you don't care about me being there mom. you just care about what everyone else with think."

"i'm your mother, you can't speak to me like that. now come home."

"i'm seventeen mom! i'll be eighteen soon, so who cares!? why won't you let me be happy for once?" she asks, her voice cracking.

"let you be happy? you're nothing but a disappointment, jocelyn. all you've ever been, is a disappointment to you're father and i. and you know what? you're right! i don't care if you're there but you're my daughter! how's it going to look to people?"

jocelyn couldn't reply. the words just repeated in her head over and over as a few tears fell from her eyes.

you're nothing but a disappointment. all you've ever been is a disappointment.

those words repeated in her head as she hung up and ran her hands through her hair.

she was so happy for once, and her mother ruined it once more.

"jocelyn?" daniel asked, looking at the girl, worried.

she turned around and quickly wiped her tears.

"hey what's wrong?" daniel asked softly.

"i um- my mom-" she struggled to get the words out, having trouble breathing.

"hey shh, just breathe." daniel spoke lowly, hugging her.

"do you wanna go back to you're apartment?" daniel asked her.

"can you come with me?" she managed to ask.

"yeah, i'll go tell the boys we're heading back to your place and i'll order an uber." daniel said.

jocelyn nodded as she tried to stop her crying. people were looking at her, some annoyed and some with sympathetic looks but she just ignored it as she waited for daniel.

all my love ∣ daniel seavey Where stories live. Discover now