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daniel and jocelyn arrived at the why don't we house about an hour ago.

daniel had showered and got ready for the day as everyone else waited for logans arrival.

"so jocelyn, what do you like to do?" zach asked as daniel joined them downstairs.

"i like to draw, maybe go to the gym. i don't do much." she says, feeling slightly shy but seeming confident when she speaks.

"oh daniel draws too!" jonah says as daniel rolls his eyes.

"she already knows that." daniel mumbles.

just then, logan walks in yelling some things jocelyn cant make out while pretending to shoot the boys and the boys acting like they got shot.

"jocelyn! you're here! lets see your eyes." logan exclaimed, still acting like he doesn't believe her eyes are real.

"they're real! i swear!" she laughs, looking at him.

logan narrows his eyes at her and then shrugs, shutting off his camera.

"so what're we doing today boys?" logan asks, sitting down.

"we thought you had plans." corbyn replied, confused.

"uhhhh nope."

"we can figure it out in a few minutes, im hungry." jonah says.

"can we order a pizza?" zach asks while the rest of the boys nod and corbyn pulls out his phone to order.

"what type of pizza do you like, jocelyn?" corbyn asks.

"oh, i'm not hungry." she says, smiling a little as daniel looks at her.

corbyn steps outside to order over the phone as everyone else stays inside.

"oh! i almost forgot. jocelyn, i brought you a gift." logan says excitedly, turning on his camera.

"okay logang, i showed you earlier, but it's time to give jocelyn her gift."

jocelyn furrows her eyebrows, looking at daniel who shrugs, laughing.

"okay close your eyes!" he demands, in a playful manner.

jocelyn hesitantly covers her eyes with her hands as logan reaches into his backpack, pulling out maverick merch and placing it on her lap.

"okay open!" he yells.

jocelyn opens her eyes and looks at her lap, confused.

"you got me clothes?" she asked.

the boys laugh a little as logan looks at the camera shocked.

"it's maverick merch!" he explains.

jocelyn furrows her eyebrows. "what's 'maverick merch'?" she asks.

logan gasps and looks at the boys who are still laughing.

jocelyn cheeks turn a slight shade of pink.

"it's my merch. mavericks my bird, but a maverick is someone who does their own thing and stuff..."

"oh, right." jocelyn says, looking at the clothing.

"thank you." she says, smiling.

logan laughs and says 'you're welcome' before shutting his camera off once again.

"anyways, pizza will be here in like 20 minutes." corbyn informs them.

"so jocelyn, how has california been for you?" jack asks.

"good. i'm really glad i'm here." she tells him, looking down slightly.

daniel watches her and can't help but feel his heart ache.

how can she seem so happy when she isn't? he asks himself.

"can we go outside, it's nice out." jonah asks, standing.

everyone agrees and heads out, daniel and jocelyn far behind.

"so, you said you draw," jocelyn starts, stopping with daniel beside her. "mind showing me some drawings?" she asks.

daniel smiles and looks outside at the boys before looking back at her nodding.

"lets go."

daniel leads jocelyn to his shared room, and walks over to where he keeps all of his drawings.

he shows her a few, as she looks closely at them, questioning the meaning behind it every once in a while, trying not to pry.

she turns the page in his book and his eyes widen as he realizes what's on the next page. a drawing of her.

"oh um-" he tries, but he's too late.

jocelyn looks up at him, realizing it's her when they were on hollywood boulevard.

"i'm sorry, that's probably so weird. i just-" daniel starts finding himself speechless, feeling embarrassed.

"it's not weird. i actually drew you too. but it was the first day we met, and i felt embarrassed and thought you'd find it weird so i threw it away." she sighs. "i wish i hadn't." she adds.

daniel feels his cheeks heat up at what she just admitted.

"really?" he asks, smiling.

jocelyn looks at him nodding before looking back down and smiling at the drawing.

"hey lovebirds, pizzas here." corbyn says, looking at the two.

daniel doesn't take his eyes off of jocelyn as she turns and nods at corbyn and closing daniels book.

"thank you for showing me some." she says softly.

"maybe you'll show me yours sometime?" daniel suggests questionably.

"sounds like a plan." she says smiling.

jocelyn gets up and follows where corbyn went as daniel stays behind for a few more minutes, watching her walk away and then shaking his head and smiling.

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