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jocelyn laughed as daniel stopped and danced in the middle of the store.

"why are you laughing? join me!" daniel said to the girl, laughing as well.

jocelyn tried to decline, she never had very good rhythm.

she would look like an idiot compared to daniel, or anyone in that matter.

"cmon why not?" the boy whined as he grabbed her hand.

her eyes immediately went towards the sudden contact between the two and she smiled.

"i can't dance." she replied simply.

"i can teach you!?"

"next time." jocelyn smiles as she pulls daniel to the clothing, still hand in hand.

daniels heart speeds up at the fact that she confirmed that there will be a next time.

every minute he spent with this girl, made him wonder even more.

made him want her even more.

the two looked through clothes together, asking each other for opinions once in a while before they finally decided to go to hollywood boulevard.

"los angeles is so beautiful." the blue eyed girl spoke as her and daniel walked side by side.

daniel brought his attention to jocelyn, a small smile on his face as he admired her features.

"staring is rude you know." jocelyn joked as she looked at daniel, smiling with a slight blush able to be seen.

"not always. i don't think it's rude if someone's staring at something beautiful."

jocelyn shakes her head, still smiling as she thought to herself.

with daniel and the boys around, she had been smiling more than she has smiled her whole life.

something about daniel being around made her excited and nervous. also extremely happy.

for daniel, he loved being around the girl.

she had a light in her eyes he's never seen before. he found her mysterious but confident and outgoing at the same time.

to him, she was the girl that every guy dreamed off.

she was beyond gorgeous, as daniel would say.

her eyes unlike any eyes he's ever seen.

her personality was to die for and her sense of humor was just right.

he had no idea of her past and how she has never really been happy.

he didn't know that she only had a few friends who weren't really friends at all.

he didn't know that such an amazing girl could be so alone and unhappy.

neither did anyone else.

it's just how it was.

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