10- Will

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After a week, Nico and I finally went back to school. I wasn't looking forward to it- I had actually enjoyed my time with Nico and kinda hoped we would have more. I suppose, though, we would have plenty since he lived with me now. He had actually whooped when I said he could go again, which I thought was adorable, but I think he just wanted a little freedom. When we entered the building, he hung back. "Come on." I gestured for him to come, grinning. He shook his head. "I don't want them to see me coming in with you."
"You don't want to be known as my friend." He shuddered. I chuckled to myself. "Yes I do. Now let's go in before we're late." He shook his head again. I sighed. "Please?"
"...Fine." I sighed and walked through the glass doors. Immediately I was swarmed with people, the most obvious to me being my friends. "Will! Bro!!" My friend Cecil Markowitz threw his arm around my shoulder and grinned. "Where've you been, man? Me and Lou have been waiting for days!" Lou Ellen Blackstone appeared on my other side, tossing her arm around my other shoulder and nodding. It was rare to see them agree with each other, so I laughed. "Been out taking care of a friend." I didn't think he would appreciate my drawing him into the conversation, so I shrugged and left it at that. My eye caught the door, where the boy in black had just slipped through and slunk along the walls, hanging in the shadows to get to his locker. Nobody noticed him. After a minute, I lost him. "Anyway," Cecil said, drawing my attention again, "Lets go. I'm sure Mr. D will by thrilled to see another student back in class." We all laughed then, knowing how Mr. D hated the high school kids.
I didn't see Nico the rest of the day, which was odd, except for the occasional pass in the hall. He was smiling. When school ended, I didn't even see him leave.
He was lying on my front step, eyes closed and hands propping his head up, when I arrived. A small smile was clear on his sunlit face. Without opening his eyes, he said, "hey, Will."
"Get up before I crush you." I responded, laughing. He chuckled and sat up, accepting my outstretched hand and we walked in together. "So, was today as good for you as it was for me?" He asked, leaning on the table.
"Today was pretty great. I mean, as much as I hate classes, it was good to see a few people again and- wait. What happened that made you like school again?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. He smiled. An actual, pretty smile. My stomach flopped. I got a glass of water to stop it. Nico copied my actions, getting his own glass. "I got a date."
I choked on my water, spitting it back in the glass. His face turned into one of concern and he leaned forward. "Are you okay?"
"Me? Yeah, I'm fine. That's great, I'm just really happy for you!" I sputtered, though inside my heart was pounding. Why, I did not know. He went back to smiling. "With who?" I asked, genuinely curious. Now his expression was cloudy. "Hey, I won't judge." I assured him.
"Okay." He took a breath. "Mitchell."
"Mitch? He's cute, I think. I never really got a good look." I agreed, shrugging. "So tell me, how did that happen?"
"He asked you, I assume?" He nodded and we both stood up to sit on the couch instead. Once we were settled, I had Nico spill.
"He was eyeing me in class. When I went to my locker afterwards, I opened it and there was a rose and a sticky note inside. It said "go out with me?" And when I turned around? He was standing there with the rest of the bouquet. He asked if I would go to lunch with him Saturday. I figured, how are you going to fall in love with your soulmate if you don't try a few people out, and said yes. And as to what he looks like, I can't tell. I mean, grey hair and grey eyes- light freckles, long eyelashes." He explained.
"So his hair could actually completely clash with his eyes in real color." I joked. "You, on the other hand, don't have a chance of clashing. Dark hair, dark eyes. Very nice. I approve." I nodded solemnly. He laughed. "Anyway, I'm gonna head up to bed- I know it's pretty early but I'm studying in the morning. See you." I said, patting Nico's shoulder as I went to my room.
I flopped on my bed, sick to my stomach. Oh god.

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