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     I woke up the next morning in a strange hurry to get to school.  I kept reminding myself that there was nothing for me there, but my body just tugged me up and dragged me out the door, just missing the bottle my  mother threw at me from the kitchen.  Still, I kept running. Then I remembered- Solace.  I had to get revenge on that boy, and I still had no idea how to do it.  I ran to my locker and threw my backpack in , not having bothered to listen to music or dodge social interactions.  Nobody wanted to talk to me anyway- and the feeling was mutual.  A bottle of water sitting at the bottom of my locker caught my eye, and my speed immediately slowed.  Aha! Grabbing it, I rummaged through my art case in my backpack until I found it- a small spool of string.  My feet hardly made a sound, yet I pounded over to Wills locker, and found that he wasn't here yet.  Good. That gave me plenty of time.  

I hid my grin in my sleeve as Will walked in to class late, hair still dripping, and sat down in front of me.  Without turning around, he placed a damp sheet of paper on my desk, and I, amused, leaned forward to read it.  Watch it, Di Angelo.  I grinned again, quietly snorting into my jacket.  This time, he did turn around, but with a twinkle in his eye and a smile ghosting on his face.  By the end of class, we were both making conscious efforts not to giggle.  

"Hey, Ghostie." He caught up to me as the bell rang.  I hoisted my books and didn't look at him, but nodded to acknowledge his presence.   "Some prank you pulled."  At this, I smiled. He hasn't seen the least of it.  "I'll see you around.  Watch your back, Ghostie."  He smirked and pulled away from the group of people being herded to class and ducked into another room.   

Solace was a boy true to his word, and that was something I probably should've taken into account before I opened my own locker the next day.  He had left me waiting in anticipation the entire last day, and I watched every move I made just in case. But this- this was unacceptable.  I wasn't prepared in the slightest for the loud Click!! and the flash that nearly blinded me as a stream of photos of my surprised face drifted to the floor behind me.  Before I could blink, Solace was there, snatching them up and running, and then my backpack was on the floor and I was chasing him.  "Solace, I swear I'm gonna-" I yelled as he turned a corner and ducked back to his own locker, slamming the pictures inside. He stuck his tongue out childishly. I stuck mine out back, then attempted to get behind him to the photos.  "Give- those- to me!" I grunted.  Will however, was much taller than me, and blocked all my shots.  "Just you wait, Solace," I hissed as I backed away. "I'll get back at you."

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