4- Will

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I smiled at my reflection and spun around, gathering my confidence for the day ahead. The walk to school was quick, as usual, and I met up with some friends at my locker before class.
"Hey, Will." Cecil, my best friend who I'd known since kindergarten, caught up with me on the walk to class. He could see color- he'd found it with my other friend Lou Ellen. They'd been trying to explain it to me for ages, but I didn't get it. They said that when you see it, you'd know what it was. "Hey," I shot him a smile. "What's up?"
"Nothin. Me and Lou hung out last night at my place- we texted you an invite, why didn't you respond?" He knocked his elbow into mine, and I shifted my books in my hands, fiddling with the pages. "Huh? Oh, sorry man. I don't know, I guess I'm kinda... out of it, you know? I got a lot on my mind."
"Is this about the soulmate thing again? You never know, you might already know the girl. Or guy, I don't judge." He shrugged. "Yeah, I know, Cece, but don't you think it's getting a bit late? I mean, I might never even meet him." I sighed. "Aw, don't think like that. Guaranteed he's already in love with you. Who isn't?" He shot me a wink and headed into the classroom. I pursed my lips. He was probably right- I bet I knew him. I followed him to class.
The guy sitting in front of me turned around as I sat, and I smiled as I recognized him from yesterday. Huh. He didn't smile back, just turned around again. Throughout the class, I found myself distracted by him, stealing quick glances when he wasn't looking. He spent the time doodling on his arm, shoving his sleeve up every so often. As the bell rang, we both jumped up and crashed into each other, falling back and landing on the floor between the desks. A look of shock was plastered onto his face, and I'm sure mine mirrored it. I was the first to recover, shaking a curl from my eyes and standing up, offering my hand.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." I chuckled. He rolled his eyes and nodded, ignoring my hand and standing up. "See ya." Was the only thing he said before turning around and making his way out. Naturally, I followed.
"So what's your name? I mean, I've seen you around, but I never got to ask."
"Nico Di Angelo." He said, pausing to turn and look at me. "Nice to meet you." He wasn't exactly enthusiastic, but it was a start.
"I'm Will. Will Solace." I beamed, and he cracked a smile. "You're always wearing black." I noted. "Who's funeral?" He glanced around and chuckled. "Funny you should ask. I haven't decided yet." I stopped short. After a moment I realized- he was joking. Huh. It suited him. An expectant look flickered across his face, and I realized I had been silent.  "Oh, um, right. So, I barely see you around, what do you do? I mean, like for fun and stuff." He shrugged and kept walking, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and making his way to the door. "Hey- uh, wait! We still have classes!" I called, running out of hope. 
"I don't care, I'm going home." He chuckled and swung the door open, taking long strides as he walked home, smiling the first full smile I'd ever seen on him.
"Ok. See you tomorrow... Nico Di Angelo."

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