18- Will

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Nico and I went to a doctor the next day. He still could only see blue.
"Don't worry about it," she had said, smiling gently. "It'll happen in time. See, what happened was when it came to you, Mr. Solace, it was fast and bold because you fell quite hard and quickly. While Mr. Di Angelo's fall was quite unexpected and dawned on him more like a realization, so in time he'll see the rest of the colors. Don't worry." We both sighed a breath of relief and stood up to leave, Nico locking his hand in mine. Butterflies from my stomach crawled up my throat and I resisted the urge to giggle. Instead, I smiled at the doctor. "Thanks, Dr. Knolls." She waved a cheery goodbye, her unprofessionally green hair flicking behind her shoulder, and we left.
"So I figured, Neeks," I said as we were walking home, "that since we're soulmates.." I bent down and brushed my hand in the grass, picking a flower and twirling its stem between my fingers.  "Yes?" He asked, slightly raising an eyebrow. "Would you go on a date with me tonight? An official one?" I turned to him and presented the flower, his cheeks tinting as he took it from my fingers.  "Yes. Yes of course." He smiled to himself and then looked at me, his head tilting up to meet my eyes.  The next thing I knew, his soft lips were pressed to my cheek, a small kiss being placed on my face, and then he looked away, back down at the flower.  "It's pink." He said softly, smiling.  "I see pink." My hand drifted up to my cheek, and I glanced down, my face burning.

Nico was dressed amazingly that night. Well- just average actually, but he made it look amazing. We walked down to town from home, making it to Maltos, a nice Italian restaurant.
"Just you two?" A waiter came up to us. "Yeah." I smiled, and we followed him to a booth towards the back. He left us with our menus and shot a ridiculously long smile to Nico before turning around and telling us to take our time. Nico turned to me. "Well he seems friendly." I shrugged. "Yeah." Hopefully that was the extent of it. After a minute the waiter returned to take our orders. We both asked for water and Nico let me order something for him. When he let in that he wasn't certain what he wanted, the waiter leaned on the table and grinned. "I can recommend something good." He smirked. Nico just politely smiled and turned to me. "Why don't you choose for me?" I couldn't help giving a little chuckle at that. "Sure, Neeks." I shot a triumphant look to the now annoyed waiter and he took our order, but not without a fight. "Too bad. Would've been a night full of taste had you asked me, if you get the gist. By the way, nice jacket. It matches your eyes." He shrugged and winked pointedly at Nico, who's face visibly grew a deep shade of red. "Uh, thanks, I guess?" Nico shuffled a slight bit closer to me. "No problem, hun." With each word, I fought to keep myself from wrapping my arms protectively around Nico and yelling, "he's mine!" However, I wasn't sure how Nico would react, so I smiled politely, my fingers quietly brushing Nicos under the table. The waiter left to get our food, and I shifted my hand so that I could intertwine our hands on the booth seat. Nico looked at me. "Will-" I took my hand away. "No." He moved his hand back into mine. "No, I wanted to tell you something. Will, I said some things that night, that I don't- I never-"

"No.. no. It was my fault. I'm sorry, none of what I said was true. I didn't mean it." I gripped his hand tighter. "I certainly hope that you've forgiven me these few days." He smiled. "You've been forgiven. You were forgiven when I fell asleep looking into your blue eyes."

"Aw, Neeks, you're such a softie."

"I could kill you." He frowned. "Don't test me, Solace." I smiled slightly. "No, you love me, Di Angelo." The waiter returned, trays of food balanced up his arms. "Well well, my favorite table. Anything else I can get you, handsome?" He leaned over and propped his head in his arms in front of Nico. The black haired boy leaned back a bit, but he had it under control. Shifting his weight, he looked into the waiters eyes and smirked. "Yeah, actually. Coffee. Black."

"You got it." The waiter stood, a little bit put off, and left, leaving us to enjoy our food in peace. We talked for a while, just casually getting to know each other as if we hadn't spent weeks together living in the same house. The topic flashed from one to another, we spoke with each other like old friends just talking mindlessly on end, until the topic of our food came up again. "You haven't been eating much." I noted.

"I've been eating a lot!" He protested. Just as I was about to protest that his plate was still nearly full, that blasted waiter returned with Nicos coffee. He set it down in front of him and resumed his comfortable position as if he had been invited to sit with us. I scowled, but he payed me no mind. "It's on me- consider this my buying you a drink." His hair flicked into his eyes, but he pushed it back, his smirk still plastered onto his face. "Oh for gods-" I grabbed the cup of coffee off the table and splashed it into his face. The liquid covered from his hair down to his collar, staining his prissy white shirt. "Bug off!" The shocked boy nodded hastily and muttered a quick sorry before leaving the check and hurrying away. As soon as he left, Nico, who was leaning back on the cushions of the booth, looked at me, his eyes watering slightly. I looked at the drops of coffee on the table and back at Nico. A sound slipped from his mouth. "Oh, gosh. I didn't realize I- oh. Nico I'm sorry." I said, but Nico didn't hear me. His mouth cracked into a wild grin, and his eyes watered as he leaned forward, his laugh tumbling from his lips and crackling like pop rocks. I couldn't help but be astounded, as I had never heard such a wonderful sound before. "Wha.." I started, but he covered my words, grabbing onto my shoulders for balance as he laughed. "That," he gasped, "was the best date, I could've asked for." I grinned and took his arm to help him up as we left. "Let me- let me pay." He paused in front of the table, still giggling. "No. No no, I soaked the man, let me pay." I chuckled, then let it grow to a full laugh, slapping two twenties on the table and linking arms with my soulmate. "Oh Will," he laughed, leaning into me as we walked out of the restaurant and into the moonlight. "I love you."

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