16- Nico

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I paced the length of the beach, the sand soft under my feet.  My previously clenched fists were relaxing, but I hadn't calmed down completely. "Who does he think he is?" I ranted out loud.  "First he obviously is hiding something and then he refuses to tell me and then he basically tells me to leave?  Some nerve!" I picked the up a rock and skipped it across the water.  Maybe I would swim.  Usually, swimming used to calm me down, but after the incident where I almost drowned, I started to distance myself from the water.  Now, though, I was content with swimming for however long I needed to.  Pulling off my shirt, I waded up to my waist in the water, soaking my jeans. As I swam out further, I thought about Will. Will and Jason, who had previously asked me to go on a date with him. I had declined- I wasn't eager to get settled. And Will, the boy who made me smile at school, comforted and helped to heal me when Mama died, who took me in and spent his time trying to get to know me. Who was competitive but always ready to be gentle again, who loved Nutella and blasting music, who would run his fingers through his hair when he was nervous and claimed video games were sports. The boy who stood up for me always, who never fought with me- at least not on a large scale. We always made up within the hour. This time was different. This time he had really made me upset. He had been dishonest- that was always the worst, being lied to. I decided to swim back to shore before I lost concentration, and ended up almost asleep on the shore again. The last thing I remember was staring up at the sky, then my view was blocked by a face- Wills face. He was worried- he had.. blue eyes.

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