15- Will

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I bit my lip, sitting on my floor in my room as I pondered.. well, everything.  A flash of yellow blurred by and I stood up, looking at myself in my bathroom mirror.  They were blue.  And really, really nice.  I never would've guessed blue.  And my hair? Blonde? I chuckled, fingering my new golden locks and examining my face.  I had tan skin with a glow, soft freckles dotting my face and shoulders.  The door opened downstairs and I rushed down.  My mom smiled as she entered the house.
"Hello, my beautiful boy." She smiled, tired lines wrinkling happily around her eyes.  "Hi, Ma. What a nice, green sweater that is."  I grinned, leaning on the table as she gasped. "Will! Baby, what- how did that happen? I'm so proud of you." She grabbed my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my shoulders. Then she wrapped her arms around me.  "I'm so, so happy, Will, congratulations!! Have you told Nico yet?"
"Where is he?"
"He's out with a friend."
"Ma. There's a reason he doesn't know."
"Will?" I sighed.
"It's him. He's my soulmate." She smiled warmly.
"What's the matter with that?"
"He doesn't see it yet. I'm going to wait. I don't know if he ever will."
"Oh, Will. Don't worry. He'll see it soon, who wouldn't fall for a handsome young man like you?" She beamed, and I hugged her tight. When she let go, she lifted my chin up and kissed my cheek before heading to the kitchen.

An hour later, Nico returned, and once again I tried to hold down emotion and keep him from realizing. His hair was messy, he wore a straight face and damn, he was hot. I took a breath. Hiding this would be hard. "Hey." I waved.
"Hi." He smiled. Wow. "What's up?"
"Nothing," I answered honestly. "Ma just got home a little while ago, so." I shrugged.
"Cool. Okay. I have homework, so I'm going to do that. You wanna watch a movie after or something?"
"Sure." He raced up the stairs behind me and closed the door to his room.
Apparently, he had little homework, because only 15 minutes later he opened his door again and knocked on mine- I didn't have time to get up from my desk before it swung open. "You ready?"
"Yeah." I stood and we went downstairs to the couch, slumping over.
"You've been a bit distant lately." He said quietly as we chose a movie and settled down.
"What do you mean?" I asked, the volume of our voices lowering drastically. "You usually talk a lot- all bright and cheery and such. And no offense, but I haven't seen that lately. Is something wrong?"
I shook my head no. "Will. I know you better than that. What aren't you telling me?" I frowned. "Nothing."
"Will." His tone warned but his eyes were gentle. "Nothing Nico- I just- I can't say. I can't tell you." I knew those were the wrong words as soon as they left my mouth.
"You can't tell me, or you won't? What is going on, Solace- why are you hiding things? Because what- is it me? Or are you just hiding from everyone?" He was still quiet, but a faint tone of hurt rang in his voice. "No, no, I just- I mean- just leave it, okay? Leave it."
"No!" He pushed. "I don't keep anything from you. What is it?! Why do you think I shouldn't hear what you have to say?" He spoke harshly, his eyes narrowing.
"Maybe-" I huffed, almost angry, and stood up. "Maybe I don't want you to know." With every word my voice became louder and louder. "Maybe it's your stupid eyes or your stupid lips! Maybe I just can't tell you because I'm too freaking scared!! Maybe it's because I'm a wimp when it comes to these things because I'm scared of rejection, or maybe I don't want you to think of me any other way after!!" I burst out, then immediately all my instincts told me to slap a hand over my mouth, but it was too late. "God, Will! I've been living in this house for weeks! I know you, do you really think I'm so disloyal that I would just drop you for one little thing?! Is that how low I am? Jesus, You're just- you're- you're so insufferable, you know that?"
"Yeah? Well if I'm so insufferable then why do you even stay here?" I shot back. Expressionless, he stood quickly and quietly, the remote falling from his lap, and stormed out the door. I growled at the spot where he left and stormed back up to my own room, slamming the door and sitting on my bed, my hands pulling at the roots of my hair as I fumed. Oh my god, why was I stuck with him? Nico? My complete opposite, but I was so drawn to him, even when I hated him. Where did he go? Why was I so stupid? I flopped onto my face, now angry at myself for pushing him away like that. Ooh, but he asked for it. I sat up, conflicted, my head racing. Sighing, I sat back at my desk and opened my computer, turning on the song I wrote the other day and listening to it on repeat. Every time, the lyrics reminded me more and more of him.

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