29- Will

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for everyone who commented- thanks for reminding me how much I loved writing this, so here's your update!! Sorry it's short but I'll try to update soon again. Also, if anyone is reading any of my other stories, I might update those too so keep an eye out!!

    We bounded up the stairs, my hands sweaty from excitement but not letting go of Nico's.  My  lips tingled and stretched across my face, thrilled to have finally relived that long missed kiss.  With one glance behind me, I could tell Nico was surveying and remembering the house. I didn't take down any pictures of him, or remove any memories- it was exactly how he'd left it.  We reached the top of the stairs and my heart raced as the door creaked open to my ma's room. She'd be thrilled- she loved Nico so much. The lights were off, so we crept in and turned on the bedside lamp.  "Ma." I whispered, shaking her shoulder.  She groaned and waved me away. "This better be important."

"He is." I sheepishly glanced back at Nico, who beamed slightly.  "Ma, look. Look's who's here."  She sat up, then smiled warmly. 

"Nico?" He nodded, and then blushed as she placed a huge kiss on his cheek.  "Thank god you're home at last." I saw him blink once, then twice. 

"Home?" He glanced at me, and I nodded.

"Yeah. Home."  I stood up and reached an arm out to Nico, who took it and stood up.

"Thank you so much. Thank you!" He kissed Ma's cheek back, who blushed and chuckled,  and then threw his arms around me, nuzzling his face into my chest.  I don't think I'd ever been happier.  We went back into my room then, and collapsed onto my bed without letting go of each other.  "I love you." I muttered happily at the ceiling, clutching his shoulder. "Thanks for coming back." He laughed. 

"Don't be stupid." His lips curved up into a small smile. "I had to come back.  Where else would have your mom's heavenly pancakes?"

For the next few days or so, we stayed together.  He continued taking his online courses while I attended college, and after school sometimes or on weekends we walked to the ice cream parlor or the beach.  And sometimes we just stayed home.  It was nice, especially with only three months until graduation.

Nico finished his courses early.  The next two weeks he worked all day on the computer, and whenever I came in he wouldn't pay attention, too deep in his studies.  He'd go to bed really late and exhaustedly get up early in the morning.  Whenever I asked him why, he'd say it was so he'd get to spend more time with me, and asked if I wanted that.  I'd say of course, but I didn't want him to work too hard.  It payed off, though.  He finished with time to spare, leaving me in school for one and a half more months.  It was impressive.  I let him treat himself to sleeping in, because he worked so hard.  On his birthday, we surprised him with a  small party- lemon vanilla cake, the kind I remembered he'd liked.  I got him an old typewriter, and he loved it.  He'd take it outside to the beach and write for ages.  When summer swung around, we were thrilled.  Finally, some real free time, and we were not going to let it slip by without living it to the fullest.

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