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         he hugs you from behind causing you to flinch. he turns you around and smiles, you look at him and-

  wait wait wait, i went a little to far into the story. let's back up a little....

beep beep beep

if you guessed that was my alarm, your right. i lay in my bed looking at my ceiling being completely annoyed of my alarm sounding louder and louder. i put my pillow over my head but that doesn't do anything.
i get up and turn it off.

i go back into bed and fall back asleep.

my door slams open. what now.

y/m: y/n! wake up, it's 7 past 8.

well great. my school schedule usually starts at 7:45 and as you could probably notice, i'm late.

i get up from my bed and head to my washroom.

i do my business and get out to quickly choose an outfit.

i pick out some jeans and a simple black crop top with just a loose jacket.

i look at my clock and see it's 15 past 8.

now i'm really late, i run downstairs and get my backpack and just a granola bar.

my moms in the kitchen talking to somebody on the phone.

i lip out "bye mom, i'm late" and wave

she puts her hand on the microphone and whispers "bye sweetie"

oh yeah, your probably wondering about my dad.

he goes to work super early and i don't see him until 7

i run out the door and start walking to school, on an average day where i wouldn't be late. jacob would usually walk to school with me.

i run to school and get there in like 10 minutes.

*skips to when she gets there*

i open the school doors and walk into the main office.

i get my tardy slip and go to my first period. my first period is world history. i don't like that class but atleast i have jacob in it.

started september 15, 2017 :)

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