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Your Pov
jacob and i sit on the couch once again when zach literally sprints into the room
zach: get out if you aren't playing 7 minutes in heaven
he shouts
i get up when jacob grabs my arm
jacob: let's just see
he smirks
y/n: uhh... i don't know
jacob: pleasee
he whines
y/n: ugh. okay, whatever
i didn't want to stay. i shouldn't have stayed
zach: 2 people it lands on, has to go or else, you're out. out of my house
he smirks at everybody sitting in the circle.
there was atleast 15 people in the circle. me and jacob were sitting next to each other.
i noticed this girl, she was across of jacob and i and she kept looking at him with a stupid smirk on her face
zach: first spin
he shouts
a kid from the right of me spins the bottle and i nervously waited for it to land.

——— 🤘🏾 ———

we've been playing for atleast a good 10 minutes, it's landed on almost everybody but me, jacob and a few other people.

zach spins it and
"fuck" i quietly whisper to myself so only i could hear

they spin again and guess who it lands on.
if you think me.
the girl right in front of us.
her face lights up with happiness when it lands on her.
i grip onto jacobs hand, tightly
he looks over to me
jacob: i won't do anything, i promise
he says, looking at me as he gets up.
she gets up to and they both walk over to a closet at the end of the hall.

i wanted to grab his hand and leave. i wanted to hold him down and never let him go. i wanted to run to him and stop him. i wanted to hold him.
but no. i didn't do any of that. i just watched. i watched as they walked into the closet and the timer started. i watched as they were probably making out. making out as i'm here.
i couldn't handle it. i didn't care if they were making out or not.
i got up and left.
not telling anybody, anything , i just left.
i didn't care if they weren't doing anything. i didn't care if anybody thought i was a party pooper or a lame ass party killer. i just wanted to leave. i wanted to go home and cry. and that's what i did.
i called an uber and just cried.
why would he do that. i didn't know if they ever did anything or where he was or how he was doing. i didn't care about anything. why would he stay there. did he want this to happen. he probably wanted me to get hurt and go home. he probably wanted to make out with that girl. he probably wanted to make out with any of the girls and have an excuse to do it. he probably wanted to "have fun" but didn't know how much it would hurt me. but god damn. it hurt me. it hurt me so much.

i just layed in bed, looking at my ceiling with the fan on.
i couldn't hold back the tears.
i didn't know why but it hurt.
it hurt to have to think about your lover cheating on you.
i didn't know why i was crying. he told me nothing would happen and well, what if nothing happened.

me, being lost in my thought. i didnt check the time, my phone.
i turned over to the pile of my stuff on the floor.
i get off of my bed and reach over to get my phone

a tear drop falls out of my left eye, causing my phone to turn on

baby ❤️: babe
baby ❤️: where'd you go?
baby ❤️: y/n!!!
baby ❤️: i'm sorry :(
baby ❤️: i didn't do anything
baby ❤️: please tell me where you are
baby ❤️: i miss you already
baby ❤️: this was a bad idea :(
baby ❤️: i'm really sorry :/
baby ❤️: i love you.

i respond because well, i couldn't have a reason to be mad at him. i don't even know what happened.

y/n: i'm fine. i just needed some air and didn't want to be surrounded around people. i'm home now and am going to bed. goodnight jacob.

he responds immediately

baby ❤️: no babe, i'm sorry if it was because of me. i truly am.

y/n: no jacob. it wasn't, i'm very tired.

baby ❤️: i feel really bad. please come back to the party :((

y/n: you're still at the party?

baby ❤️: yes.. why?

y/n: goodbye jacob.

why would he still be at the party? what the hell. this makes no sense. did something actually happen with him and that girl. i'd expect him to leave.

i throw my phone onto my nightstand not caring and collapsed onto my bed.
i cried on my pillow until i started to drift off into sleep


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