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Your Pov

mark: y/bff, i- um... can i. sorry never mind
y/bff: uhm, okay
she chuckles
y/n: mark!!
i say, making the "k" long
mark: not now y/n
he says, looking down at his food disappointed
just after, jacob and zach come and sit down.
jacob: hey ma doods
y/n: hiya
zach: what are you guys doing this sunday?
y/n: umm.. nothing really.
jacob: same
mark: same
y/bff: same
she says looking into zachs eyes eyes. awh. i feel bad for mark.
zach: spend the night at my house, alright?
mark: i'm down
jacob: same
y/n: gotcha
y/bff: alright
she says, blinking weirdly like she's in some sort of romantic movies. weird girl weird.
y/n: what time?
zach: after school
y/n: gotcha
we talk about random things, i notice mark hasn't really talked. i think he knows y/bff likes zach
y/n: mark, what's wrong?
i whisper so nobody else hears
mark: nothing.
he says, looking down at his barely eaten burger.
y/n: i know some-
he gets up and walks out the cafeteria
jacob turns to look at me
jacob: where'd mark go?
y/n: i need to go talk to him.
jacob: wh-
i stop him by getting up with my tray and walking out to look for mark.

i find him close to the bleachers, sitting on a tree

i run up to him and sit down next to him.
he has his head in his hands sort of crouching.
y/n: mark... what's wrong?
mark: i know y/bff likes zach.
y/n: that doesn't matter, she might like you.
mark: she doesn't. nobody does or will.
y/n: yes somebody will. you're amazing
i say, hoping he doesn't get it the wrong way
mark: i'm not.
y/n: mark, i swear on my life you'll find somebody who truly loves you.
i see jacob walks out the school doors, looking around to see where we are at. he sees us and starts running towards us.

A/N: sorry i haven't updated in a while!!

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