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Jacobs Pov
it's been a week. i haven't gone to school or talked to anybody. yeah, you're probably wondering, how do your parents not care? there on a business trip for the next two weeks. which means i can stay home for as long as i want to.
i have tons and tons of messages from mark, y/n, y/bff and zach.
i leave mark on read and don't bother to open anybody else's.
and yeah, me and y/n aren't dating but it still hurts. it fucking hurts.

Your Pov
he hasn't responded to my texts. it's been a week, i haven't heard from him anywhere. he hasn't gone to school, he doesn't read or open my messages. he doesn't respond to anybody but leaves mark on read.
does it actually hurt him that he thinks i like mark?
i wish he knew that i don't and never will. i mean yeah, i like him as a friend but that's it.
we're supposed to have that hang out at zach's place saturday but i doubt he'll show up. i wish he would. with everything i had, all i wanted to do was talk to him. tell him how much i love him.
i text him
y/n: jacob. i love you. i love you so much. i like mark as a friend and only a friend.
i shut my phone off and throw it onto my bed.

A/N: it's wednesday for them!!

Marks Pov
did i really cause all of this? if i weren't in my feels this wouldn't have happened.
"fuck mark."
i whisper to myself as all i could hear was the quite from the room. nothing else.

i need to fix this. fix this as soon as possible.

i get up, putting on a pair of sneakers and grabbing my phone.

mark: mom, i'm going to jacobs.
marks mom: honey, it's la-
i run out the door not letting her finish

jacobs house is a couple streets away from me.

10 minutes later..

here i am. i say to myself as i look at jacobs front door. hesitant if i should knock or not.
before i could make up an answer. the front door opens, with jacob holding a trash bag.
he looks up at me, stepping back, trying to close to the door.
i stop it with my foot.
mark: listen jacob. y/n loves you. do you not see how much she's hurting right now?
jacob: what do you want mark.
he says, ignoring what i said.
mark: i want you to apologize to her. she's fucking hurt because she thinks you hate her.
jacob: she doesn't love me anymore.
he says, looking down. i know he was hurt. in all the years i've been friends with him, i've never seen him so down before. wow, he really does love y/n.
mark: she texted me yesterday and told me she loved you. she told me she cried. wow jacob. she cried. she cried at school, she cried at home. she cried everywhere for the past week. i've never seen her so hurt in my life. we've been friends for so long and i've never seen both of you so upset.
jacob: she said she loved you. what if she forgets about me.
mark: the day she said she loved me, you didn't let her finish. i was just having a hard time because i like y/bff and she probably likes zach. she told me to stay strong and that she loved me but made it clear just as friends.
jacob: oh my god. i'm so sorry.
he says, looking worried and sick.
mark: it's okay jacob. just apologize alright.
i say, i smile then starts walking away.

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