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Your Pov

he stands in front of us
jacob: yo, what happened?
y/n: nothing, don't worry about it.
mark: you're what happened.
he mumbles under his breath
jacob: excuse me.
he says, offended at the fact he didn't do anything.
mark: you fucking heard me.
he says, pushing jacob with his shoulder as he walks past us
jacob: what did i do?
he asks, confused
y/n: i actually have no idea what that was about. you literally didn't do anything
jacob: none of you guys like me.
he says, looking down as he starts walking.
y/n: jacob. i love you, alright
i say as i pull his arm for him to face me
jacob: right.
he walks away not giving me a chance to even talk to him. what did i do? what did he do? why did mark lash out on his so harshly? jacob wasn't even involved into this.

Jacobs Pov
am i not good enough for anybody anymore? i don't even know what i did. what the hell.

i walk back into the school and just go straight to my class, not even caring if i was early. oh and, great. i have this class with mark. probably no talking for the whole class.

5 minutes later...

i walk into the classroom and sit in my regular spot, next to where mark sits.
i patiently wait for mark to enter the room.
the bell rang.
and the tardy one. where is he?

30 minutes later...

where the hell is mark. since when does he skip? he was here like an hour ago.
i pull out my phone trying to hide in from my teacher below my desk.
i text him
jacob: mark. where are you?
he answers after a couple seconds.
mark: why would mr. sartorius care?
jacob: you're my best friend dude. obviously i care. what the hell did i ever do to you?
mark: everybody likes you dude. everybody. you think i won't feel insecure about myself after a while.
jacob: what? where is this all coming from?
mark: me. i've been holding this in for so long and i'm tired of it. i'm tired of feeling used. im me. i shouldn't even get compared with you.
jacob: who told you all this stuff.
mark: nobody. bye jacob.

since when is mark jealous of me?

A/N: i'm going to pre-write my chapters so like i'm going to try and be as active as possible. oh and, i think i'm going to start a new story? what should it be about?

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