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Jacobs Pov

i pull out my keys from my back pocket and unlock the doors to my car, making it easier for me to put her in there since she was still on me.

i open the door to the back seats of the car. putting her back onto the seat first.

jacob: i love you
i say, not letting her respond and smash my lips onto hers.
she kisses me back, rougher.

she flips me over making her on top of me.
i shut the door to the car with my foot

y/n: maybe we should finish at your house
she smirks, biting her lip afterword
jacob: oh yes
i smirk at her, then jumping into the drivers seat, trying to hurry everything because honestly, i miss feeling her lips on mine, soft plump lips. honestly the best

she jumps into the passenger seat and looks at me pull out of the parking lot

atleast about 10 minutes into the drive, i rest my hand on her thigh. causing her to stiffen up.

i pull my hand closer to her croch area, teasing her.

i hear a slight moan come out of her.

jacob: cute
i smirk, still looking at the road ahead of us

y/n: fuck off
she playfully pushes my shoulder

jacob: i'll fuck you though
i smirk, looking at her.

A/N: this is so weird im shook, please help me BAH

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