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Your Pov
i wonder what jacob has to tell me. i bet for a fact he isn't going to come out with he loves me. that would be great if he did.

i get ready and walk downstairs

y/n: hey mom, i'm going to the park
y/m: okay hun, don't stay out to late. try and come before dinner. your dad and i want to have a family talk
y/n: um, okay. bye

i walk out the door

family talk? since when does my family have "family talks" what the hell.

*skips to when youre at the park*

i get to the park and see jacob sitting on a bench looking at a playground.
i walk over to him and sit down on the bench next to him
y/n: hey
he turns to face me
jacob: hey
he says with a smile
y/n: so what's up?
jacob: i need to tell you something y/n.
he says, getting nervous
y/n: what is it?
jacob: promise me it won't change anything between us.
y/n: i promise
jacob: i love you y/n
y/n: you what?
i say, shocked and confused
jacob: i love you, a lot. i mean, who wouldn't fall in love with such a great person like you.
y/n: jacob.. i-
jacob: you don't have to say anything. i just needed to tell you.
he says, looking down.
y/n: no jacob, i love you too
jacob: you do?
he asks, with a huge smile on his face
y/n: of course i do, you're perfect. i've liked you for the longest time. you made me the person i am today. i don't know what id do without you.

he hugs me. honestly, the best hug i've ever received

A/N: i'm going to make another story. i'm still going to do this one so technically i'll be working on 2 stories 😂 be alert for a new story coming up. oh and, i'm going to try and make these longer :) 

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