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Your Pov

y/n: you're my best friend, why wouldn't i choose you?
jacob: what about y/bff?
y/n: she's my best friend too but you mean a lot to me.
jacob: aw
he says, looking at me with a huge smile on his face
i hug him and he hugs back, slightly tighter
y/n: what time is it?
i say, breaking away from the hug
he reaches into his right pocket to pull out his phone
jacob: holy shit, it's 7:43
y/n: we got two minutes jacob, let's run

we sprint the whole way there and get there right on time
jacob: yes!
y/n: that was close
we say as we open the school front doors
jacob: very close
we walk towards our pod and put our stuff into our lockers
i then hear the bell ring. holy shit. is that the tardy bell?
jacob: y/n, come on! we got to go to world history. hurry !
y/n: i'm going, im going
we run to our class and make it there before the teacher even notices
jacob: we really need to come earlier
y/n: i woke up and thought i was early
i chuckle
( there sitting in there desks )

the teacher starts teaching and we talk most of the class like usual.
yesss, now lunch. best time of the day, i love it!!

i get my lunch and sit at our normal table
just after, mark sits down

mark: hey
y/n: hiya
mark: what's up
he says as he opens his burger to put ketchup inside of it
y/n: nothing
i chuckle
mark: is y/bff single?
y/n: yes, why?
i say as i look up from my food giving all of my attention to him
mark: i actually really really like her. like i've never liked anybody before.
y/n: tell her
mark: nooo, what if she doesn't like me
y/n: you'll never know
mark: you know who she likes, don't you.
he says, giving me a "tell me" look
y/n: n..o
i stutter
mark: you're lying
just after, y/bff puts her tray on the table and sits next to me
y/bff: watcha guys talking about
she says in her usual girly tone
y/n: just homework and stuff
i say, giving mark a "you better tell her" look
y/bff: right
she giggles
mark: y/bff i-

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