515 22 3

Your Pov
me and jacob walked in together.
the first thing i see when i enter the house is atleast 10 couples making out on the couches and people dancing to the loud ass music.
y/n: holy
jacob: shit
y/n: since when was this gonna be a party?
i shout to him over the music
jacob: i have no idea, we should go find zach
he says, grabbing my hand as he pulls me through all the people with him. we get to the backyard door after asking everybody where zach was.
we assumed that since he wasn't in the house, he was outside
we walked outside and see him, in the middle of everybody, drinking out of a red cup
jacob: bro
he says
zach: yoo, you guys made it
he says, sounding a bit happy and loopy
jacob: yeah, since when was this a party?
zach: i didn't tell you guys?
he says, smirking
jacob: no
he giggles
i see mark coming my way.
y/n: hold on babe, i'll be back
i say, nudging him on the shoulder
he looks back and nods
i walk towards mark and pull him by his shoulder to the opposite direction of jacob and into a corner of the backyard where there wasn't a lot of people
y/n: what mark.
i say, sounding annoyed.
mark: wow, what's wrong with you.
he says, giving me a confused look
y/n: nothing. i just don't want jacob getting all upset because he probably thinks i still like you
mark: he doesn't. can we go back to normal now. i don't like cranky y/n
he laughs slightly
y/n: yeah, sorry. whatever
i say, walking back to jacob

——— 🤘🏾 ———

we've been at this party for atleast an hour now. i've been trying to get in contact with y/bff but she won't answer. i've texted her atleast 10 times and called her like 5 but she won't answer
y/n: jacob, do you know where the bathrooms at?
i say, looking over to jacob as we're on the couch
jacob: uhh.. yeah. come with me
he gets up and puts out his hand, indicating me to grab it
he leads me to this door upstairs, which he thought was the room
i open the room and see
y/n: i-
i see, y/bff and mark making out on the bed
i shut the door immediately and look at jacob in complete shock
y/n: did yo- you see that?
i say, in shock as i stutter slightly
jacob: what happened ?
he ask, confused
y/n: uhm.. just y/bff and mark. making out
i shout, making the "making out" part with more excitement
jacob: wait really?
he asks, shocked and confused
y/n: yeah
i laugh
jacob: ha, probably his first time
he slightly shrugs
y/n: what's that supposed to mean
i say, looking confused and offended
jacob: nothing
he laughs


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