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Your Pov

*the next day*

beep beep beep

ugh. school.
i rub my face with my eyes and slip out of my covers and head to the bathroom
i put on a pink crop top and classic jeans
i look over to my alarm clock, 7:20. i'm going to be early for once.
i grab my backpack and head downstairs. downstairs i see my mom grabbing orange juice from the refrigerator
y/n: hey mom
y/m: hey sweetie
y/n: i'm very excited for saturday, just 2 days left!!
y/m: we are excited too!! i'm thinking your dad can go drop you off at the arena because he's going in later than usual
y/n: oh okay, that's fine!
y/m: alright, i see that you're quite early. i made you breakfast so sit down and eat.
she smiles
i start eating my scrambled eggs with a side of ham and a bacon strip when my phone buzzes
i quickly push the home button to see "jacobsartorius: hey y/n, i'm going by your house to pick you up. i wanna walk with you today :)"
i quickly open it and respond with "alright, see ya xoxo"
y/n: i'm walking with jacob today
i brightly smile at her
y/m: that kid, he seems very sweet. are you guys you know, a couple?
y/n: no mom
i chuckle
i finish my breakfast and put it in the sink
i look at my phone to see the time
"7:30" i have 15 minutes, i think i'm good

5 minutes later...
i was sitting on the sofa when i hear the doorbell ring
y/n: i got it!
i open the front door and see jacob.
y/n: hey
i hugely smile
jacob: hey
he smiles back
i turn back and grab my backpack
y/n: bye mom, i'm going to school. see ya
y/m: bye honey, have a nice day
i head out the door making sure to close the door behind me
y/n: so..
jacob: are you excited?
y/n: duh
we say as we start walking to school
jacob: same, i just have a question
he says, looking me straight in the eye
we all of a sudden stop.
y/n: what is it?
jacob: out of everybody, why'd you choose me?


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