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Marks Pov
i probably shouldn't have lashed out on jacob like that but i just wanted to get it off my chest. everybody likes him. y/bff probably does. everybody at school does. ugh. i wish i was like him.

Jacobs Pov
did y/n tell him something? what the-
i couldn't keep myself focused the whole class period.
ring ring ring.
the bell rings. i have this class with y/n. maybe i should ask her if she told mark anything.
i run to sculpturemaking/art and get there right in time
i sit in the back where me and y/n usually sit and start talking to her

A/N: the desks are like 2 people desks so it's 2 people at each desk if ya kno what i mean

y/n: hey
she smiles
jacob: y/n.. can i ask you something?
mrs. (your teachers name): sit down class, we're going to be building a eiffel tower out of toothpicks
is all i hear after i start talking to y/n
jacob: what'd you tell mark?
y/n: uh... why?
she says, hesitate of her answer
jacob: just tell me.
y/n: tell me why.
she says, getting anxious
jacob: what did you tell him y/n.
i say getting annoyed that she won't answer my question
y/n: why do you care?
she says, starting to gain anger.
jacob: did you tell him he wasn't good enough?
y/n: what the hell. no
she says, shocked and a bit angry.
jacob: tell me what you told him.
i say, almost shouting.
y/n: i just told him that i loved him but i-
i stop her.
jacob: you what?
i say, looking down. she loves mark? the girl i've loved for my whole life. loves mark?
i run out the classroom not even bothering to listen to her excuse and not even caring of what the teacher said.
i run out the front doors of the school and start walking home. technically skipping school.
i pull out my phone
jacob: she loves you mark. thank you. thank you for absolutely everything. you're such an ass.
he responds after a couple seconds.
mark: what? no she doesn't.
jacob: her words. bye.
mark: jacob. she doesn't. i know she doesn't.
i leave him on read.
i walk into my house and run upstairs throwing everything i had on my arms onto the floor.

A/N: what should happen next?

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