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Your Pov
y/bff: it was sort of, well. an accident
y/n: but you were in my dr-ream. that actually happened in my dream
i say, confused and shocked
y/bff: yeah, that's so weird. it's like you knew he liked me or something
she chuckles
y/n: yeah, ha ha
i fake laugh
you're lying to her y/n. stop lying to her y/n!
i whisper to myself as i sit myself back into the position i was in as i finish off my makeup look
y/bff: mom texted me, gotta go babes
she says, as i see her get up from my bed and starts walking to the door from my makeup desk mirror
y/n: awh, okay. bye (a nickname you give your best friend)
y/bff: byee
she says, as she walks out of my room, shutting the door behind her.

——— 🤘🏾 ———

i asked jacob to come over since well, like. i missed him

ding ding ding

i heard the sound of my doorbell ring
i sprint downstairs and open the door
y/n: hey cutsies
i say, giving him a huge hug
jacob: somebody's happy
he says, hugging me back tighter
y/n: well duh, i missed you
i say, stepping away from the door letting him in
jacob: i missed you too
he says, walking in then looking back to look at me with a huge smile on his face

we walk upstairs and into my room
jacob: are your parents not home?
y/n: work
i say, glancing up at the ceiling then back at him
jacob: oh
y/n: yup
i say, plainly
jacob: so what do you wanna do?

A/N: i totally forgot about the justin bieber concert thing so just pretend they went to that already lolol

y/n: hmmm
jacob: pizza
y/n: ate that yesterday
i say, looking at him with a "not feeling it" sort of look
jacob: um.. tv?
y/n: no good shows
i say, giving him the look again
jacob: frozen yogurt?
he says, asking it sort of confused, like he'd run out of ideas
y/n: ooo yes
i say, looking happy/excited
jacob: yay
he says, sounding excited in a joking kind of way.

A/N; i'm honestly so sorry this isn't long. my head hurts so bad and i have the worst fever ever. i'll try and make the next chapter very long. im so sorry, ilygsm

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